I spent a couple years trying out surface design techniques,
and another two dyeing (minimum), painting and inking/marking on fabric.
Some of my altered stash is finally beginning to go away but it'll still take me years to use it and the rest.
I'm wondering if...any of you people out there in art land...
would be interested in a retreat - in January or February 2k13 - held near my home in Barranquilla, Colombia?
You pay your expenses to get here but you only have to bring a minimum of 'things'.
Then, we play with most of my stash. I might have some for sale.
You'll see the selfish side of me when I tell you that we'll be using what I consider to be my beloved least favorite art supplies. But hey! That's what I've been doing for about 10 years now...which means, in my opinion, that I'm beginning to get into the good stuff.

My fee for putting it together would be that you pay my expenses...but I can set that up fairy cheap - per person.
I'll rent a place to sleep, eat and make art, along with a lady to cook and clean for us.
I'll begin looking into places and prices and if there are enough people interested, I could begin to make it happen.
I'm pretty good at that kind of thing.
We'll call it Costena Playtime Art Retreat because...depending on the rates, we can stay in Barranquilla, Santa Marta or Cartagena. Whichever of the two cities we don't sleep in - we'll take a day trip to.
Of course...this will be your retreat and I'd tailor make it to make the majority happy.
And if I don't get one interested person, I won't take it personally.
I'll just think about doing a post where I beg, I mean, ask that you let me come to your group so I can teach there instead.
Love, peace and all things groovy to you and yours...
PS (The first pictures above are the progression of my bohemiannie! page in my fabric book). (Then there are a few of the areas where we looked for yard sales). (And finally, some cool stuff on the wall at a flea market near Stillhouse Hollow Dam).