My bosom (boy did I have a hard time spelling that!) buddy, Trish, has this way of saying...
"Goooooood Gaaaaawwwwwddddd"
that is hilarious
says it all.
So, I made her a quilt for her birthday - which was at the beginning of the month, and just finished it yesterday, but won't deliver it until I visit the States in May.
Anywho, I used a buncha, buncha surface design technique practice pieces on this quilt and named it...
Good Gaawd - That's Somethin!?!
Of course, we don't know What it is...but it's somethin.
This shot came out a little too dark...
and this one a little too lite...
But it's done...thanks to a little advice from my dear friends, Davida and Jeri...and Trish!
15 Projects to Improve Your Home’s Curb Appeal
23 hours ago