


Late last year, I mean, the year before...was the first time I'd heard about people choosing a special word for the year.

I immediately fell in love with the concept...and chose the word Evolution.

It came to me early New Year's Eve morning as I was meditating myself back to sleep. 

cover of my altered book which is still a wii

Yep, celebrations kept waking me up. 

(I guess I'm an old fuddy duddy, because hubby and I rarely stay up past 10pm...although I am known to read in bed until the wee hours...depending on the book). 

This year we were with my daughter and her family on New Year's Eve and

while waiting to go down, (they live on the 2nd floor...same building) I was blog-hopping and came across Tuscan Rose.  Specifically, a post about perspective.

While reading it, it occurred to me that my word for 2k13 is PERSPECTIVE.

It chose me...right then and there...just like Evolution did last year. I hadn't even thought about choosing a word - hardly...but there it was...and it's perfect for me. 

Why? That's another post. I'm doing my best not to be so wordy. 

Anyhoo, we stayed with the kids (and Pedro's mom) until almost 11pm!!!

Hubby played Wii boxing with our 5 year old granddaughter and immediately after - started asking if I was ready to go home.

So, up 2 flights of steps we came (no elevator), to our nice quiet, cozy apartment.


The whole city of Barranquilla is a panorama outside my 4th floor windows (we're on a hill) and all the sound...


the sound

comes at us full force. But that another post. I'm really trying not to be so wordy in my posts.

So, I'm in bed listening to music from roughly 23 different neighbors - and damn they have good stereo systems...or very lively live bands - 

and since I couldn't sleep...decided to turn one of my prepped journal pages into a word page.

A PERSPECTIVE word page.

And, this particular prepped page was picked because it had what might pass for a door on it. And, since I wanted to participate in the Door Challenge at Collage Obsession, it worked out just perfectly.

Kinda looks like a door. But I guess it depends on your perspective.

I had to say that. 

Anyhoo...I officially began my new year playing with markers and paper and getting excited about art and the new year and the move and the freedom and good health and art and yard sales and my etsy shop and art and...phew.

After the barrio quieted down (at 6am) 

I got a good night's sleep (43 solid minutes)

and if you think that I up there looks like a T and that word is pot...and i was thinking about how much I'd like to smoke some so I could get to're wrong. it's the I in the word poInt. 

and began my new year with gusto...and a really wonderful attitude about my new perspective.

Create Your Life,


PS-I KNEW I was forgetting something!!! I plan to follow along with Nathalie Kalbach's Creative Jump start...and the first prompt showed me how to make my own tape...which are the radiating lines in my journal page.

linking to Paint Party Friday!


  1. Love your word for this year Annie... and your art journal page is gorgeous... I, too, have been known to read to the wee hours of the morning with a good beautiful pics of the fireworks as well...

    Jenny ♥

  2. Triple thanks Jenny! I need to find a good book!

  3. I love your word for 2k13! (point, huh? Okay I'll take your word for it! LOL)
    Here's to a great 2k13 for ALL of us!

    1. Thanks Robin! You know...point of view! And I think that's a pun son. LOL. Happy, Happy!
      PS - I just got up and have only had one sip of not sure I 'got' your comment.'s making me smile anyway...cuz it brings you to mind.

    2. OHHHHHH! You were referring to that little comment I made about the T...I mean the I. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Now I get it!!!

  4. Your stories are always delightfully entertaining...and NOT wordy :) A wonderful idea to choose a word (I've seen this floating around the internet too, but haven't come up with anything defnitive myself....hmmm, maybe "Define" will be my word.)Happy New Year Annie!

    1. Thanks so much Kelly. :) I always tell myself that my blog is a type of diary...and that I'm writing to myself and family and friends (which I now consider most of my followers to be)...but then that thing about followers reading makes me play to an audience. And...I guess that's ok too. Depends on your perspective. HAHAAA! I'm gonna have fun with this. And Define is a great word for the year. I can see that branching out in a gazillion ways. It was just 2 short years ago that I began to 'define' what I really wanted from the rest of my life...and I've seen all kinds of good things come from 'doing' just that.

  5. ...make your own tape?...hmmm...interesting and it looks really cool too. A great page for your new word and new year. May the new year bring goodness to us all!...and perspective too!

    1. It was all kinds of fun. I don't know why...since I rarely use it...but I have three small drawers full of tape...and another drawer full of embossing powder...and two heat guns. So...all this entailed was putting double stick tape on a silicone sheet, rubbing embossing powder onto it and hitting it with the heat gun. I guess I should've said I decorated my own tape. Tickled my fancy to use up some of my supplies! I'm on a mission to really pare them down this year. And thank you so much. Here's to great perspective and goodness to you in 2k13!

  6. Great choice of words! I did that last year, or the year before....a, not sure this year, whatever happens is fine, because that how it seems to go anyway! Great piece too!

    1. Thanks Sharon! I was really into my word last year for about 6 months...then it faded away a bit...but not totally. It was amazing how much I could relate to what was happening in my life to the word evolution. So...I'm excited about Perspective!!!

  7. Whew! And that is just day one!
    I am so with you on the early nights :)
    Are we going to see a perspective flag?

    1. :) I get up I'm justified! And yes! Now that you mention it, I think a Perspective Flag is a must!

  8. Perspective is a great word for the year! lovely to discover you and your great blog. Happy new year. :)

    1. Thanks so much Morag. I was delighted to find your blog too! I totally enjoyed browsing it! Happy 2k13 to you!

  9. Fabulous photos of the fireworks. :) We had fog and couldn't see it. :) Wonderful choice of the word for the year.

    1. Thanks NatashaMay. Those photos were actually taken closer to Christmas than New Year's...but they fit. There were fireworks EVERYWHERE on New Year's Eve...for hours. You couldn't look at the sky and not see them in any direction from 11:30 till Midnight! Happy 2k13!

  10. haha! latinos don't have the quiet gene.
    great word choice.

    1. You are SO right about that. Even if they don't have...whatever...they have Stereo Systems that vibrate our 5 story brick building! I kid you not. I loved it about 30 years so much.

  11. Thanks for letting me know about the link :) Wishing you a very happy new year.

  12. Fun and a great word because for me it includes change. xox

    1. Me too Corrine. Looking at everything that happens to me, around me...from a different point of view. Analyzing the good, the bad and everything in between in an 'unusual' way. Gonna be a good year! Even w/o the word.

  13. It's a very annie! door, great lettering and movement. I like the second picture without the eye, more restful, the eye is a bit disturbing, although maybe that's the POINT. I also like the sneak peeks of your real life. Have a great 2013 and don't let too much Perspective get in your exuberant artistic way.

    1. LOL! I totally need lots of practice with my letters...and tend to always go back to the same way I've done it in the past...but it's fun. The eye is from a dog that reminded me...especially before I fussy cut it out...of my long ago beloved pet, Lady. So, it is a little freaky...but after trying several things inside the door...I liked it best. I'm not thinking of the word perspective so much in the way that it relates to art as I the way I look at things. My daughter doesn't like me to post pix of the children...but in this one, I figured it was obscure enough for me to get away with it. Thank you so much Sheila for lifting me up with your thoughts and words!

  14. I wasn't aware that there was a trend to pick a word for the new year, but when I turned 40 last year, the word METAMORPHOSIS just kind of stuck itself to me. I feel like there is more growth and more change ahead of me, so I guess I will keep that word for this year. Unless another word takes hold of me for some reason! Lovely post - warm and funny and real - as always :)

    1. Ohhhhh thanks Starr! I guess the idea has been around for a lonnnng time, but I've always been a little behind the times. :) I love the fact that both words chose me and the same happened with you. I am already 'seeing' SO much that relates to my word. Same as last year. It just opens up another door. Metamorphosis is a thrilling word and I hope it will bring you places you never expected. And again...thanks. :)

  15. I just loaded your amazing blog into my Grow Your Blog party post - you are all set. Updates are on my blog - see you on the 19th.

    1. Well thank you Vicki! What a really nice thing to say! I'm looking forward to the party. :)

  16. Lovely abstract art work and fantastic photography ~ fun post ~

    (A Creative Harbor aka ArtMuse Dog and Carol ^_^)

  17. Perspective is a great word to live by in 2013! Its pretty cool when the right word just pops in. Good for you for identifying it and making such a lovely artwork. Move is my word for 2013 :)

    1. Move is a great word too! On so many levels. :) We go at the end of the month to buy a house in our perspective is definitely changing in more ways than one!

      Thank you!

  18. that seems like a wonderful word to walk through 2013 with.

    joyous piece.

  19. terrific abstract work, great read and smashing photos. Thank you for sharing. Happy PPF, Annette x

    1. Thank you so much Netty. I don't believe I've said happy new year to you yet. So...Happy New Year!!!

  20. perspective is a great word and love the artwork that you came up with to start your year off... the celebrations looked like fun... especially the boxing...xx

    1. Thanks Tracey! The boxing was hilarious! The little one knocked out Grumpy 3 times!!!

  21. Perspective seems like an excellent word. I've never chosen a word for a year. Maybe next year, or maybe my word is 'procrastinate.' Happy New Year!!

    1. Well, hey. Procrastinate is a word! Happy New Year to you too - and may you put off until tomorrow what you could have done today!!!" (really-just kidding). xoxoxox

  22. Great yearly words...and artwork!
    Happy PPF!!
    Mixed-Media Map Art

    1. Thanks so much Mary! Happy PPF And Happy New Year!

  23. This is such a cool piece of art--one that is certain to inspire you all year long! Happy new year!

    1. Thanks Sadee. I've ignored my art journals for it felt good to play around in it for a change. Now that's all I'm thinking about!

  24. What a great word and what better way to start the new year than making some art pages! My word is "purge"...stuff...not the other kind! xo Nancy

    1. Hmmmm....Purge. I think that could take me off in a million directions. Good one! Thanks for stopping!

  25. 'Soar' is my word for 2013, and I know it's gonna be a very arty one for us both. Happy PPF from across the pond.

    1. I watch the birds soar out my apartment window every day. We're on the 4th floor...on a hill and it's WINDY here so the birds always make me think they're playing. Love it and hope it will give you wings to fly this year! Happy PPF to you from Barranquilla, Colombia!

  26. I love your piece of art! And your word for the new year. I haven´t picked a word yet. I felt exactly the same on new years eve! Hope it´ll be that way!

    1. Thank you!!! I'm sure the word will come to you ... if you want one!

  27. wow-what a fun filled, giggle filled post! (pot-point just cracked me up!)I love when a word appears for you. Love seeing all the fireworks.Wasn't able to see any from where I live although we could here them for sure. I'm following the Creative Jumpstart too. Beautiful journal page for your new word. Happy PPF!

    1. LOL! Thanks Linda! It tickles me pink to think I made you laugh. :) I loved the fireworks...and everything that went along with it really. Hey...I might not have begun the journal page if I'd been able to sleep! Happy everything!

  28. I love your word. It brings a feeling of change, of growth... And the dancing moment? Priceless ;-)

    1. LOL! They were boxing...with Wii but it does look like they're dancing. I love that picture too! Thanks Ana!

  29. Your art looks cheerful enough to glide you through 2013 in an absolutely magical way !!

    1. Thank you Rita! What a beautiful thing to say!!! Bring on the magic! :)

  30. Happy New Year Annie! Glad to have found your blog via Collage Obsession. This was a fun post to read and what an amazing journal page! A word for each year is a cool idea, maybe I'll go to bed thinking of what mine could be!

    1. Thanks so much Salla. I almost didn't choose a word the first time...because I sort of rebel against doing what everyone else is doing. (I know...bad...but I'm working on it). :) Anyway, I'm really glad I did because last year and already This's been meaningful in SO many ways. I'm sure you'll come up with the right one!


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