


I signed up for 21 Secrets way back in April...and have only finished ONE of the 21 workshops!!! 

I posted about those pages some time ago (from ZOM OSBORNE's if you want to take a look. 

I began another of the workshops -NATASHA REILLY's  in June or July...and just haven't taken the time to complete it! 

The double spread pictured in this post was finished in August as part of Natasha's 'secrets'...and maybe posting about it will motivate me to get busy with the rest!

My old desktop computer has been in therapy for months now and won't give up the pictures I took before I added the red squares above...but we can live without them, I'm sure.

Is that sunrise deliciously beautiful or what?!? 

Sophia would say..."Or what"!

(I'm posting vacation pictures in between because South and SW Florida is just so awesomely beautiful...that I can't help it).

I wasn't too crazy about the prompt for this it was difficult for me to move along.

But I kept adding until it looked like this...

Which I kinda liked.

But when I added the letters...I wasn't so sure about it.

I think my subject matter was a bit of a bummer.

I was trying to portray living in a city where trash and garbage run rampant - covering up the natural and manmade beauty that is here in Barranquilla - under it all.

And while my message was 'Living above it all' simply made me think too much about the fact that I live IN it.

I think Colombia needs a "Give a hoot...don't pollute" campaign.

But I'm not the one to start it.

I don't mean to offend any of you reading this post that may live here.

I know that you know better.

I also know and am thankful that some of the schools here are teaching children to give a hoot.

And I'm certainly teaching anyone that I can influence...

but how in the world did this post turn into something so serious?!?

I'm going to focus on living in a clean, healthy environment...

And probably wipe some dust off the furniture tomorrow.

And maybe mop the floor.

Create Your Life,



  1. More cool photos! I like the seagull with his 'swagger'! Your spread isn’t your usual style, but isn’t that the point of taking these workshops? To get us out of our comfort zone? I think it clearly makes your point! (and it’s got PINK!)

    1. You're right. It IS the point. To challenge and yep...get me out of my comfort zone. I'm glad you said that...because it makes me want to complete the rest of this workshop even more. Thanks Robin!

  2. I LOVE your spread! Maybe it's because I love words in art. Either way, I think it looks cool. I really like the design you began with. Great Florida photos too.

    1. Thanks Annie. I love words in art too...usually. When answering comments this morning, I remembered that I sprayed walnut ink on this page as a last 'touch'. And adding those black wingy things - probably the main reason I don't like it so much. Anyway...The wonky squares that I began with are pieces of freezer paper that I'd ironed onto another project as a mask. Can't throw anything away!

  3. Beautiful captures and story. Your works are brillant.

  4. I rather like that page Annie, it does convey exactly what you are describing which is a huge layering of stuff where the beauty of nature should be instead. Bravo. xox

  5. Love what you have done with your spread and I think the addition of the lettering has brought it all together, giving it an additional dimension. Your photos are great too, the distance in the shoreline, awesome! and the sun coming up. I think those seagulls spotted you and wondered if you had captured their best side...I can almost see the final one saying 'yes, I hope she takes this quick before the wave gets me'! ....ybf ann.

    1. Thank you Ann. I think you're right about the gulls. They definitely weren't afraid to let me get up close...and were shameful posers. Loved every one of them. Glad you like the spread.

  6. I like how your spread developed. Give a Hoot, Don't Pollute! I remember that public announcement growing up. Those sunsets are stealing my heart. Amazing!

    1. Thanks Adriann! I'm ready to see more of your grungy, chunky journal!

    2. Thank you! I will share more. ☺


Yuckola. More than half of my email has been from anonymous, so.....