


This is the view from the front door into the living/dining room. The play room is the door to the left and hubby is standing in the doorway to the kitchen and service area.
We're in our new apartment and L-O-V-E, love it!!!
This picture has nothing much to do with this post but was taken in the same time frame as the rest of the pix here. I've joined TAG TUESDAY and this was my submission for Baking.

It's smaller and things are tight...but I LOVE it!!!

This is the living room window - which is about 10 feet wide - from the dining room. I'll show you some great views out of this window as I blog along. That's the playroom door again off to the right and the hallway next to it.

I have worked like crazy trying to continue on with my normal life - minus art and computer time (mostly) - and still get things in order - and it's just about come together...and I absolutely love it here.

This is the playroom from just inside the door looking out the window to the service area...which is the laundry room, maid's room and bathroom. Most homes here - in the North part of the city - have accommodations for a maid. We use it for Jerry's tools since we now do our own cleaning.

Who woulda thunk it? We haven't lived in an apartment in our 34 years together and it was awhile before meeting my hubby that I did. It's fabulous!

I'm standing at the window inside the playroom and pointing the camera out of the window that's in the laundry room. As you can see, it isn't designed to be closed...but there's a drain in the floor and with the sink, washer and dryer - YES!!! I now have a dryer - in front of the window...I don't worry too much about rain coming in. And it does. I hung a shower curtain on the clothesline above all of it the last time the rain was blowing in. Worked like a charm.

Did I mention I love it here?
This is Arcelio - one of the porters who work at this building - standing outside of the playroom door. He likes that view as much as I do.

We didn't know we were living in an oven. (When I said that to my Colombian Quilt Group - they replied in unison, "WE DID"!!! The house rarely got a breeze blowing through it for at least 7-8 months out of the year but this apartment - because of how and where it's situated...catches the breeze beautifully. Even if the rest of the city doesn't seem to have one. We actually have to close the windows and hardly EVER need a fan. WOO HOO and whoop-de-doo and Yeee HAWWW! And the mosquitos don't fly up at our level so the plague is gone. Thank you God!!!
I was in the laundry room when I took this shot of the kitchen. It looks totally different now.

We're on the fourth floor, on a slight hill with a magnificent northern view of the city sky-line, partial views of Rio Magdalena and we can actually see the Caribbean  breakers WAY off in the distance. We even get to see an occasional ship go by. The Sierra Nevada - which is about 2 hours drive East from here - only shows itself on special occasions - and when we have a view of's UN believable.  Most of the time the mountain range is hiding in the clouds but when it comes makes me feel so small and insignificant. (Only in relation to my size). And I'm a big girl.
This is the service area, laundry, maid's room and bathroom. Playroom window is on the left. I wondered why in the world they'd put a window there...until we moved in and the wind showed itself.

This is a pix of the master bedroom. Our king size bed, two night stands, a dresser, free standing mirror, vanity and bookshelf all fit in comfortably. Amazed ME! That nasty looking piece of wood on the wall straight ahead was to cover the hole for an air conditioner which we decided not to use. Instead...we've taken the wood off and put plants outside on the little shelf just under the window. I LOVE the plants there.

I'm adding pictures in order taken and giving you the barest bit of info in their subtitles.
This was taken from the above mentioned window of the master bath and down the hall into the spare bedroom and what has become Jerry's bathroom.'s not THAT far to walk in the middle of the night...Right?!? (There's a third bedroom on the other side of the wall on the right which we've set up for the girls...Sophia who at this point is willing to share with Claire - who will arrive in about 6 weeks. Yipeee!!!

I can't wait to get back to your blogs on a regular basis and thank you for continuing to contact me to see how things are going and for thinking about me.
It's that chronological thing...this was taken around the same time as the above pix...which BTW...were taken about a month before we decided to move. Anyway...this is a typical dashboard in a Colombian vehicle. Love it.

Love, peace and all things groovy to you and yours.
Another Tag Tuesday tag. This was, I think, the last piece of art I did while still at the house.

Create your life,
Flip side of the above. When I told my friend the theme was gardening she asked me where the garden was!!! I just laughed. I can't help it if people - even dear friends like her - don't "get" my art.

And this was taken just before I started packing up my old playroom. I'll tell about these in my next blog. Bye-Bye old playroom. I will miss you. Sorta. Maybe not.



  1. glad you are getting settled and have a breeze! LOL, how did you not know???? Looking forward to the return of your colorful creative self. xox

    1. Thanks Corrine! Well…we did know…but most of our friends live in ‘high places’ and we honestly thought it was all about altitude and air conditioning. I’m busy working on a traditional thing – which isn’t my thing – but doing my part nevertheless for a group project and enjoying it. I can’t wait to start using up all these supplies!!!

  2. You have a great apartment Annie! How is Hillary doing? Take care :)

    1. Hi Christine! It IS a great apartment. We live two floors above Hillary and it's so convenient. We have an unspoken agreement that we won't interfere with them any more than we usually do. :) They're happy and expecting Claire mid August!

  3. Wow! this is amazing...For One, an amazing apartment and two, amazing because I thought of you earlier and somehow knew you would be posting on your weird is that (why am I surprised, I often do this...don't ask! lol). SO pleased you are happy with your move and I can understand why, now you are away from that other part of town! And with the heat, now glad you have (sorry couldn't resist that one). This is a very exciting time for you - well for you all actually with 6 weeks to go until Claire arrives...wahoo. Hope your settling in continues and you are meeting lots of good people. ybf ann :)

    1. Thank you Ann! They have a saying in the good ole USA…Great minds run along the same paths…but I believe just as much in intuition or special perception because I have it too at odd and sundry times! We’ve said hello to the neighbors that we’ve seen but really haven’t gotten to know anyone in the building very well yet. Speaking of a different sort of wind (LOL) - we don’t have an elevator…so it’s built-in cardio…and honestly I often dread the thought of running into anyone from the third floor up because I’m not able to speak at that point. HA! It’s getting better already though! I’ll be visiting soon!

  4. First of all...WELCOME BACK! could you NOT see the flower on that tag? LOL
    Third.....I'm excited for you and your new home! Can't wait to see the 'after' pics, so post soon!
    Did I say WELCOME BACK? Missed you!

    1. 1st - I feel loved!
      2nd – there are flowers all over it!!!
      3rd – I’m in the blogging mode so hopefully it’ll be soon that I’ll show the pix
      4th – I feel especially loved!

      Thanks Robin! :)

  5. I'm happy for you. It sounds like you will love living in your new apartment. Be sure to show us pics when you get it all decorated.

    1. Thanks so much Connie. It’s done except for the pictures and then of course I’ll be fine tuning it for…well…for as long as we live here!

  6. Glad your move has gone well. I don't envy you having to downsize however - I've got 5 rooms to the rafters and I know someday I will have to do the same.... but I won't like it!

    1. You'll be ready when the time comes. I can't believe the 'stuff' I've let go of these past few years. You should have seen my yard sales and ebay before we left the USA!!! I'm still overpacked...just a bit...but working on using up art supplies and loving every minute of it!!! Thanks so much.

  7. I liked seeing pics of your new place. Looks pretty large to me?! Lol! But downsizing is downsizing. :)

    1. Thanks Sandi. I was a little worried that I'd bore people to pieces with my 'slides'...but one has to look. And it isn't tiny...just like you said...downsized. We chose our last house based on the garage and studio space and it just happened to come with all those other rooms. :)

  8. New house new lifeeeeeeeeee!! I'm very happy for you :-)

    1. LOL – you just gave me a rush and I have a smile on my face. Big smile!

  9. So glad you are all moved and settled and comfortable where you are. Your granddaughter(s) are so lucky to have you near! I can't wait to see more.

    And the invitations are fabulous. What a gift.

    1. Thanks so much my friend. I’m feeling quite blessed at the moment. Well…all the time really!

  10. Looks fabulous. Welcome back!

    1. Thanks so much! I'm gonna go look at your blog right now!

  11. your new place really look great ! all the best for your future life !

    1. Thank YOU!!! We love it!!! (You may have figured that out by now)!


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