


We've decided - for lots of really good reasons - to move. I have a five bedroom house with a huge studio and garage...packed FULL of move into a three bedroom apartment. 

That means that I'll have to sell some items. Like about...half of what I own. Well OK...maybe only a third of it. I'm really good at fitting stuff in though. To be a pack have to be good at it. To say the least, I'm gonna be busy for the next couple months and won't be online very often. 

Before I 'sign off' I wanted to give a great big thank you to some very special people - beginning with Ann Hyde of Ann's Art @ Studio Hyde.

We found each other through the Sketch Book Challenge on Flickr - her sketches are awesome - and have been following each other's blogs for awhile now. She is a terrific painter! Go see for yourself. Ann saw some of my pictures on my blog last year and asked for permission to paint them. She perfectly captured - in watercolors - my hubby's body language and the feel of our boat beached at Cayo Costa in SW FL where we used to live and where I love more than any other spot on earth. 

She also amazingly painted our Miss Kitty who is no longer on this earth. 

When I saw the paintings for the first time...I was flabbergasted. I cried. After a few months Ann offered to mail them to me as a gift - if I wanted them - and of course I was thrilled and definitely wanted her to. She mailed them to my brother in the States and they just happened to arrive the very weekend my daughter was visiting there and she picked them up and brought them back to Colombia. Ann even matted the pictures so all I had to do was find frames for them. I had some old ones on hand (I'm a pack rat...remember) which needed a little paint and for now, they'll do. I'm on the look-out for the perfect frames though because what I've put them in doesn't quite do them justice. I've taken I don't know HOW many pictures and they keep coming out wonky...but there they are. I love them SO much. I get the most unimaginable pleasure from them not only because of the subjects but because Ann, whom I've not met in person...yet...painted and then sent them to me out of her generous heart. Thank you Ann. I treasure them. They are SO right.

I also want to thank Momma Spud - who might not want her real name mentioned here - for the lovely post she put online last week in which she talked about my art and her philosophy. I cried again. Thank you SO very much for your beautiful words. My heart is full. I always enjoy her posts - especially when she talks about her personal life because she's a woman with a great big beautiful heart. I hope you'll visit her blog, t'was brillig and to say hi.

Then, I was pretty amazed and delighted and totally honored to be featured by Kim of IMGIRL without Wings and Inspiration Avenue - on Living The Color Filled Life .com - which is a site inspired by artists who journal. Thank you so much Kim!

I look up to each of these women and their amazing art and lives and they've each touched me in a very special way this week.

Actually, I look up to EACH and EVERY one of you. A special ThankS to those of you that follow my and old. It always amazes me that you're interested in what I have to write...or show. I love your comments and you'll never know how much what you have to say motivates and encourages me. 

Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Create Your Life,



  1. Good luck with your move (and packing! I don't envy you, moving is a pain! LOL) But it's for a good reason and I know you'll love being closer to Sophia!
    PS Ann's paintings will look WONDERFUL in your new place!

    1. Thanks Robin! I’ve been doing a LOT of walking around in circles…but I think that’s gonna change today! And yes...Ann's Art WILL be awesome in our new apartment!

  2. The paintings look grand in their frames Annie! SO pleased you are happy with them and Thank YOU for such praise. I shall be popping over to these other blogs you have mentioned:) Good luck with all the sorting out you have ahead of you, don't be gone too long, keep popping back when you can we will all want to know how things are going:) ybf ann.

    1. Thank you Ann! They do look grand!!! You deserve everything I said and much more. I’ve decided that I’m going to have to be on the computer because I’ll need packing breaks. Makes total sense to me.

  3. Godspeed with your move and I hope your new place is even better than your old. Thanks for sharing that you'll be away for awhile. Take care.

    1. Thanks Sandi! I think in many ways it will be better. I’m excited!

  4. Lovely links to some talented women. Good luck for the move

  5. My first thought upon reading the beginning of this post was "OH NO! What am I going to do?" In truth I am hoping you have a safe and successful move, that your sorting is not too stressful and that you still find time to create (particularly with that little one)! All the best. I will be eagerly awaiting your return.

    And thank you for your kind words -- now quit makin' me cry and get this move over with so we can get back to our conversation.

    1. Thank you SO much! I’ve decided that computer breaks are just what I need in between packing boxes so I hope I’m not gonna be too out of touch! And you’re welcome! You deserve LOTS more wonderful things to be said about you!!!

  6. Your beauty attracted beauty...wonderful gestures! Blessings on your moving journey!

  7. Brave to go smaller. I still kind of miss the wonderful appartment I had for a while on the island with an actual ocean view and was sad I had to leave (it was a temporary arrangement). But...with my current place I at least could get all my stuff out of storage and have a studio again. Still, it taught me how little we actually need. Good luck on the move. And of course we want to see what you're up make amazing stuff and are such a nice blogsy person! ;-)

    1. Aren’t We?!? Either brave or ding-dongs! I’m resigned to the fact that I have to give up my stuff…sorta. We will have a view of Rio Magdalena and the city so I’m looking forward to morning coffee and evening when the lights come on! I’ll have a small studio so I can’t complain. Thank you so much for your encouragement and sweet words and support!

  8. Good luck with the move! We'd move too, if only we could sell our house. Downsizing seems to make everything much simpler. Will be thinking of you!

    1. Thanks Karen! We decided today…after packing several boxes this week…to hire a company to come in and do the move for us. We’re moving from rental to rental and thankfully don’t have to sell our house. We sold ours right after real estate started the nose dive in 2k7. I’m not Catholic, but we heard about and buried a St. Joseph’s Statue in our yard and the house sold in three weeks in a neighborhood where NOTHING was selling. I know yours will sell when the time is right. Be happy.

  9. Best wishes for the move + anyways from Berlin...

    1. Thanks so much! It feels great to have well wishes from around the world!!!

  10. Good luck pack ratting it all into your smaller space. I know you will make room for it all and then some even if it has to hang from the ceiling! xox

    1. Thanks! LOL>>>How did you know?!? Oh never mind…I know how you knew!

  11. Sweet Pea, thinking of you and sending love/happiness in your new home, dear friend!! i know it was a well-thought-out move and that so many good things are awaiting you there. your regular visits have brought ME so much joy and i look forward to getting to know you better and seeing more of your LOVELY ART, when you return "full time." ~ vicki xo

    1. Thanks so much Vicki! I’ll be checking in from time to time. I’ve decided…Gotta take computer breaks.

  12. Hey Annie -- So how's the move! Did you read my interview on Artists in Blogland -- You are the one that set me up so thanks. Terri

    1. Hi Terri!

      Thanks so much for letting me know that the interview published. I just went to read it after I opened your email and I LOVED every word. Your attitude is beautiful and inspiring and oh so full of freedom and love. I’m so happy that you have a blog and I’m going there to visit NOW!

      The move is moving along nicely.  After packing about 20 boxes this week in the midst of busy life…we decided to hire a company to come in and do it for us. Pack, move and unpack everything. It’s a dream come true! Thanks for asking!

  13. i finally found you again, my blog was deleted and I have started over, I had to search you out, I'm building my fav lists, it wouldn't be complete without you!Best wishes on the new home, I know what its like to go from big to small only my apartment has ONE bedroom, yours would be a mansion to me now! Be happy and I will look for your updates

    1. Oh thanks SO much Laurie! For everything! I’m excited even if it will be smaller. It feels really good to let go of things. Sorry about your blog!

  14. My, oh my, oh my . . . your journals are exquisite. Absolutely mesmerizing,, I love, love, love, them and aspire to be even a little bit as creative as you. I am your newest follower, Please accept my warm and humble invitation to visit and hopefully to follow my blog, too. Connie :)

  15. Thank you SO much Connie! For everything. I'm off to visit your blog!

  16. Hello, I haven't rec'd your address yet.

  17. hey admin
    This article is really insightful, it went ahead and made my day, you are seriously a professional blogger

  18. Best of luck with your move. We moved the end of March from TX to OR and I too, had much of which to "dispose". Now that we're in less square footage, I see I didn't get rid of near enough so must continue the purge. I hope you do better than I did.

    1. Thanks Jan! Nice to see you!!! I'm packed in but have done the same thing as you...many more boxes went out the door after moving and now I feel an urgency to use up the supplies that I have in abundance. Hope this finds you happy and settled


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