


At my daughter's house that is. :)

Good news!!! Social Security came through in less than a week. I'm really quite proud of  "the system''.

More good news!!! The computer fix wasn't bad at all. It just needed a new power supply thingy which we have had installed. We're still waiting for our internet provider to come fix the modem /box /apparatus which gets us online. Since Carnavale has been going on this past week...most work has stopped here in we don't really expect them until the hangovers are dried up. Carnivale is HUGE. Most important event this city has and actually the 2nd or 3rd largest in the world. The city has been hoppin!

I'm at the kids house using the computer but they're in Florida so we haven't been down here till today. Hopefully I'll be able to start posting again soon.

After all the lovely comments, I felt like crying. You really are very dear to me and I can't wait to get back online.

And yes! I'm making art but it seems I've been doing other sorting buttons so I don't have a ton of stuff to show you, but now I'm fired up again because of your motivation!!!



  1. Hope you are up and running by the time you get to read the comments box. Glad the problem wasn't too bad. Cheers ybf Ann.

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you!

      I’ve been REALLY slow getting email answered! Getting ready for a trip to the States at the end of the month!

  3. Yeah she's back if even for a moment, can't tell you how much I missed your exuberance in my life!!!! xox Corrine

  4. Good to see you--I've missed you--feel like I've been going through bohemianni! art withdrawal...
    I'm looking forward to seeing what you've been working on. I have this coming weekend off work and plan to post some of my new creations, too. *Look for a separate email from me with questions =)

    1. Oh thank you! I’m feeling so much love! I didn’t get your email!!!

  5. that's good news !!! we can't do without you !!! your art is beautiful...
    love from Peaceful

    1. Thank you so much!

      Love from Peaceful. I love that.

  6. I could have sworn I'd commented on this already, but I must have been dreaming. Anyway, good to read from you again and glad to know your are doing well. Look forward to see what artful things you have been doing.

    1. Well, you're so faithful about commenting on my posts that you probably just got them mixed up. At any rate, I'm always thrilled to hear from you and appreciate it SO very much!


Yuckola. More than half of my email has been from anonymous, so.....