


After almost three weeks offline, I'm thrilled to say that my computer challenges are fixed! 

checkin me out

Yay-Hoo!!! YeeHaw!!!! and Whoopteedooo!!!

new statue of Joe Arroyo in the 'music square'

I want to thank all of you for the comments and encouragement you've given me during this down time. You can't - well of course you can - imagine how much it means to me. I'm truly grateful for each of you and happy, happy, happy to be back in touch!!!

musicians waiting for a job near the statue (above)

It'll take awhile...but I will answer every email and comment received. I've decided that, as much as I missed being in touch, I had become rather addicted to an overabundance of time online, so I'm going to limit myself to 2-3 hours a day on the computer. I know that sounds like a lot...and it is...and my self imposed rules may change...but I really kind of enjoyed the extra time doing other things. :) Ya know what I'm talkin about?!? 

taken at Museo Del Caribe
So...without further's what I've been working on...

I began with my circle project and got the other half or so of my 312 circles finished. 

The idea was to make a curtain out of them, 

so I sewed them all together and bought hardware to hang them...

and then didn't like the way they 'acted' on the rod. 

...down they came and I began snipping them apart. 

About halfway through the deconstruction process, I realized - duh - I really ought to leave them attached until I figure out what I'll do with them...sometime in ten years or so. 

taken at Museo Del Caribe

It was a wonderful feeling to get them - it - finished...but a bit of a let-down too. Especially when I realized they weren't going to work. Oh well. I certainly enjoyed the process and learned a lot AND boy did I use up some scraps! Do you ever feel a bit of a 'postpartum' depression when you've finished a big project?!? I do quite often - even with not so big projects. But then I get busy with the next thing - sometimes I have to force myself...and get over it pretty quickly but I sure don't like that feeling when it's here.

In my case...the next thing was...sorting buttons!

I have quite a collection which I began back when I acquired my mom's button tin. I've added to it for about 40 years now...slowly but surely...and have way more than I can ever use...or even appreciate on a reasonable basis. Most of them are a bit run of the mill but I love each one.

Then...since Valentine's Day was coming up...I made a pillow for Sophia. She had been playing with the one the hospital gave my hubby after his 5 bypass surgery (5 years ago BTW) and I thought she might like one that was a bit less used and a little more on the girly side...

since she is femi-nema-neema to the max. :)

Sophia at the Mall totally 'outdoing' the model.

And that's it for today! I've got lots more to show you in the coming days/weeks but it's time to go answer email.

taken on Calle 84 in Barranquilla - JUST after our computer was repaired while waiting for pizza

I love each of you dearly and wish you the happiest day ever!!!

one of my favorite people
Create your life...




  1. Wish we could have seen the circles hanging anyway, love these so much!!!!! Glad you are back, we missed you soooooooooo much. xox Corrine

    1. Thanks Corrine! I totally forgot to take a picture while they were up! Oh well. I missed you too! It’s great to be back! I’ll be checking out your blog later this week. :)

  2. Yeah! Welcome back! You were missed! Sorry that the circles didn't work out the way you planned but I have the utmost confidence you will pull something wonderfully creative out of your hat to solve the problem! (I also get the letdown after I finish something I’ve been thinking about and working on for a while. I think it’s normal! LOL) Adorable pillow you made for Sophia, she must love it!
    PS I have button envy!

    1. :) Thanks Robin! I missed you too and can’t wait to see what you’ve been painting/sketching and hearing more about your family’s antics! I miss my Pink House chuckles!

  3. SO glad you are back. I've missed seeing your awesome projects and the adorable Sophia. I too, wish we could have seen the circles in action. I am betting they were awesome even if they didn't satisfy your inner vision.

    1. Thank you so very much. I’ve missed your blog too! Vintage Green just gave me a Great idea for them…to make a mobile…which I’ll definitely think about incorporating as soon as we get back from the States so we might see them in action after all!

  4. I love those circles!!! Could they be some sort of a mobile? A large almost to the floor mobile??

    1. Ohhh, ahhh, hmmmm, yummmm…..I love that idea…..mmmmmmm. Thanks!!!

  5. So glad you are up and running again, I know the feeling when computers play up, you feel at a loss...but then as you say it frees up time for other things. I don't know how you managed to make so many circles, but am sure you will find a use for them somewhere. Sophia must be so pleased with her pillow.

    1. Thank you Ann! I still haven’t gotten around to visiting blogs but I sure am in love with the ‘real thing’ – the watercolors you sent are the main attraction in my house right now!!!

  6. such profitable downtime! good to see you're back.

  7. Welcome back and I am sorry that your circle project didn't really work out like you thought. Each one is a work of art!


    1. Thanks so much Karianne! Don't be sorry because I'm REALLY excited about incorporating Vintage Green's idea of a mobile...(see above).

  8. Annie why don't you just do rows of the circles hung at the top not like a complete drape but more like a string thing
    Connect at the top and bottom till you get the length you want then do another string same way till you get all the width you want.
    Chef L

    1. Hi Lisa! Thanks so much for your comment. I originally thought that was the way I'd hang the curtain...and tried it...but the edges of the circles curled atrociously here in this high humidity city I live in...but THANK you!!! I think it's very cool that you put your idea into words on my behalf!

  9. Can't wait to see what you do with the circles (even 10 years from now- lol) Welcome back!

    1. Thank you dear heart! I love Carolyn's idea (see above) and will work on that when we get back from the States. Can't wait. And thanks for the welcome back but I'm SO busy getting ready for my trip when I don't have Sophia here...that I'm not making much time for the computer!!!

  10. that postpartum depression ! I often feel the same...especially after I finished my sketchbook and sent it ...
    so glad you're ok now with your computer, and sure you'll find something else for your circles 8 thanks for your comments on my blogs !
    love from France

    1. Hi Sarah! Thanks so much! It IS even harder to send a piece off after all the heart we’ve put in to get it finished!!! But we usually do it with joy and love! I know I do and am sure you do too!


Yuckola. More than half of my email has been from anonymous, so.....