


Sunrise at TPA

We sold our belongings!

Downtown Tampa from the Airport

After having a few friends come by to choose things they want, one of our neighbors expressed an interest in looking at what we had left to sell.

She's buying it all! She's paying as she picks it up.

At least they're not pecking at the doo doo. (I didn't know that was in this shot until just now).

So...needless to say, I'm thrilled...

side view of our house!

And busy.


On another note,

our son, Bear,

escorted a soldier from Afghanistan to Germany and they leave for the States tomorrow.

He may not have to go back. Either way, he says he'll be fine with what-ever decision his Colonel makes. I'll be much 'finer' if he stays home.

That'll mean I get to see him later this month.

from playroom...looking at side back yard

Life is treating me good.

Hope it's the same for you and yours...

Clockwise beginning at, breakfast room, living room, dining room. Sophia loves the P. My maiden name was Page and the house was built in 1954...same as me. I hadn't seen it as a P until she mentioned it. Come to think of word for 2k13 is Perspective.

Create Your Life,

Dining room, kitchen, breakfast nook, living room.


Breakfast nook, guest bedroom, hall closet, living room, dining room, kitchen, playroom.


  1. That Sophia is one smart cookie! (Sooooo glad Bear is coming home, or at least out of immediate danger!)

    1. She sure is! I didn't see the P! I still haven't taken pictures of her and Fiona yet...or for that matter, Fish Lips and Claire. :) But, I WILL! And oh my goodness YES! I sure hope he doesn't have to go back.

  2. WOW! Look at this awesome new home! The wonderfully open interior and fun design of it and lots and lots of big windows and yard space and holy smacks all those windows to wash! Congrats "P" girl! Welcome home!

    1. Woo Hoo!!! I know it's not the Taj...but I'm so happy with it in so many ways. The open floor plan and light are two of the things I love most! Yeah, I guess I'll become really good at washing windows. There are four that measure 110 inches across. Thank you for the Welcome that I'm feeling all the way down to my toes! 18 days and counting.

  3. Oh great news about Bear. Great news about getting rid of stuff and your new white box is just waiting for your colorful life to fill it. ! xox

  4. So pleased your boy will be coming home.

    As for your house (there, that sounds good doesn't it) Your House, there I said it again, lol. Anyways, it looks lovely and very spacious. At least selling items means you have a lighter load to take with you. I think Sophia will love seeing that P for herself...and I am sure she will :)
    ybf ann.

    1. ME TOO! They didn't get on the flight for hopefully tomorrow. It still isn't set in stone...but we're hoping and praying. MY house is wide open and light...and waiting for me to come make home. :) And yes...the girls will come soon, I hope! Thank you Ann!

  5. Wishing you lots of Happy times in your new home, It looks beautiful Annie. That P is so unusual!

    1. Thank you Morag! It IS such a happy home. 17 days!

  6. Oh Annie... so happy for you... your house is beautiful... and the 'P' sounds like it was meant to be yours... it looks so light and sun filled... how wonderful that your neighbor bought everything you had left to sell... sounds like things are happening smoothly... best wishes for a fabulous move...

    Jenny ♥

    1. All is going so very well. Thanks Jenny. :) When Sophia is asked if she's sad about me moving...she says, "No...annie! is going to come visit me and stay at my house"!

  7. What a beautiful house, annie!, no wonder you and Jerry are ecstatic about it. Maybe I'll pop over for a cool drink one day - ha! ha!, wouldn't that be nice.

    1. Thanks Sheila! I would LOVE it if you popped on over for a cool one! I don't drink alcohol but once or twice a year but I make a mean Rum Runner!

  8. That is one of the coolest houses I have seen - unique, just like you. Perfect!

    1. LOL! Thank you! It really is different from anything else in it's category! We looked at over 50 I know!

  9. woo! great to hear all went smoothly.

    1. It's pretty durn wonderful! I'm sorting fabric and it's RIDICULOUS how much I have. Well, it's the same with everything. But, I'm finding takers!

  10. Love all those wonderful windows!! So light, so open, so airy! I have house envy now. Is that wrong?

    1. Thanks Starr...but I'm SURE you have nothing to envy! But I do know what you mean...because it's never failed that after living in a house for a few years...I start wishing / wanting...something different. Just my nature and not wrong - for you or me! The light and openness are what made me think WOW as soon as I opened the door! And then all the details started presenting themselves. I'm very excited!!!

  11. WOW - you have had a lot going on! So glad everything is falling in place - I'm sure you do look forward to spending time with your son!

    1. Seems like I always have a lot going on! Thanks so much for stopping by...and YES...can't wait to see my Boy!!!

  12. Love it! And so happy Bear is on his way home. Even for a bit is better than nothing.

    1. Thank you so much Charlene...and especially for your prayers for our son! He is on the way to D.C. today and from there...who knows. We are really tickled pink.


Yuckola. More than half of my email has been from anonymous, so.....