


OK. I admit it. I'm a collector packrat hoarder. Not like those you see on TV. I mean, you can walk around in my house. Mostly. What isn't out in plain view (furniture and chachkies out the ying yang) is all neatly stored in plastic bins, boxes, tins and all sorts of containers that I've collected hoarded over the years.

I don't even knit or crochet

I'm selling (CHEAP) or giving away EVERYTHING I own and a friend brought her 2 maids over yesterday so they could "shop" and said, "Why in the WORLD do you have so many tables"?!? I'm talking tables that you can dine at. I just counted 10. Some of them are stacked on top each other to hold my 18 plastic bins of fabric. Big bins.

We won't even talk about buttons but I have almost as many buttons as I do junk jewelry. When I was packing for this last trip to FL, I only took what I would grab if there were a fire. Eighty (80) POUNDS of jewelry came BACK to the States with me. EIGHTY pounds.

1/4 of my paint supplies

No sense discussing the linens or beads, charms, trims, bottle caps, glass, glass, glass and more glass. I must have 20 bowls in my kitchen. The ones you use to serve food in...not eat from. Not gonna count how many plates I own.

Are you getting the picture? Can you see why I was running around in circles wondering what the hell I was going to do with all this stuff last week?!? I's crunch time. 2 months. Gulp. 

So...what do I do? I get into the playroom and cover a broken plastic lid on a vintage plastic container that will most likely get thrown away. 

But hey, I used up some of my $%# pounds of paper stash...and oh yeah...a little of my 47 or so containers of glue.

It's all different types of glue you know. I mean, you never know what you might need. Right? 

Thinking of the paper makes me think of the stamps and stencils I haven't even unearthed in months. Oh yeah and all those cute little scissors that make different patterns. They're under all of my bags and purses...which are all bagged and boxed neatly of course. 

HELP! No, never mind the cry for help. 

I'll just continue to do what I've been doing for the past few days after walking around in circles for a week. I'll go into the playroom 

did I mention I have 4 sewing machines...not counting the 2 play ones I bought for Sophia?

and use up as much of this stuff as I possibly can before I have to throw it away. and sob uncontrollably thinking about leaving Sophia

The pictures here are what I've accomplished this week. 

a pot holder. Really?

I'll post about the lessons I'm learning one of these days. Once I've really gotten over learning them.

I always love to say, ''Create Your Life''. Because I believe we do.

WHAT have I created??!!!?? 

papier mache gone bad (used old starch instead of glue of flour)

Maybe a few happy Colombians that I'm giving my stuff to.

Create Your might want to think about it first.



  1. LOL!! Okay now I don't feel too bad about my stash of fabric. I do have two cabinets of scrapbooking stuff (and I don't scrapbook) and I too have about 20 lbs - literally of buttons. But I do try to be good. And OMG Annie - I need one of those tables (or two) for my new studio in the worse way - is there any way you can get it up here to PA for me (grin). Hope everything finds good homes - can't wait to hear more about the move!

    1. Thank you. :) Really Nina Marie...I KNOW I'm not alone in my insanity...but it sure does feel good to hear about your 'treasures'. I'll see if I can hire a donkey cart and get that table right on up to you!

  2. 47 containers of glue, gosh Annie I don't even have that many...and I work with paper....I do have two bins of fabric though sounds like quite the stash to wade through. I was cleaning my studio last night and I have way to many ziploc bags of just this bitty scraps you can't seem to throw out. Well hello recycling because I am on a Spring purge....xox

    1. I know. It's insane. I'm not even sure I LIKE glue. And...those bitty scraps are always the ones I go to first for some reason. I hope you purge well. Just remember...don't throw anything away. Art centers, friends will consider it treasure. xxooxx

  3. You have had a creative week! It's good to throw out STUFF but aargh! - the fabric? and papers? and buttons? I love what you've done here, especially the bird and the angel and the books - and what a great pot holder, it's just perfect.

    1. Thank you Sheila. I thought it was ridiculous to make a pot holder! I should have called this FRENZY ART...because all of it was done with a 'gotta use this up' 'gotta use this up' 'gotta use this up' QUICK!

  4. My hubby has nicely told me to stop buying art supplies until I used the ones I have :P

    1. Smart man. That's one of the lessons I've learned. In a way...I actually can't wait to be 'free' of it.

  5. oh annie! i love your stitched pieces! good luck getting rid your supplies - I do this every few years! then it all comes back :)

    1. This will be a first for me...but my dear friends in FL had a little stash building party for me and I can already see at least a year's worth of art waiting for me! Hahahahaha!

      Thank you Aimee. They're not my best work but hey!

  6. hahaha...absolutely LOVE your very last line in this post!!! So many lovlies posted here. Love them ALL! It's so hard to keep crafting supplies to a much inspiration and fun stuff available to aid in our addiction to create. Good luck with your downsizing. Think of all the fun to come in replacing it all! Wow, it's a good typing day on your blog today! **big smiles here!**

    1. The good typing day is because my mind is racing too fast to slow it down enough to play the reading game. Hahahahahhahahhahhahhhha! I really am feeling pretty durn good about letting it all go and KNOW that in my coming yard sale and thrifting days, I'll find much more than I need...but I swear I'm going to restrain myself. Thanks for loving my 'FRENZY ART'!

  7. How about having a ‘Garage Sale Giveaway’ for all your arty friends……. and their friends …..friends of friends…..How about the teachers at Sophia’s school? Would any of them be interested in some ‘free’ stuff? Or any of the local schools? Day care centers? Just tell them to bring their own bags to fill and let them browse. Are there any charitable organizations like Goodwill down there? Maybe they could use some of the ‘house stuff’. (Just some stream of consciousness thinking…

    1. Actually, I've had three people in this week who bought furniture and a few smaller glass items and a couple purses, etc. My Colombian quilt group only wants quilters cotton which I don't have that much of...and they're welcome to. Honestly, I don't know of anyone, anywhere in the city that does the type art I do. I tried to have a monthly play day...and supplied all the materials...but there just wasn't interest. Go figure. I'll be doing just that with the supplies that don't get 'taken'. The Colombo-Americano center is a place where students can come learn English for free and they have a bit of an art program there as well as a bilingual library - which is where all of my books will go. Nothing like Goodwill...but my maid and Hillary's maid and the porters that work at this building are getting a bag or two or three every week to do what they want with. Problem is...the more I DO get rid of...the more that I see I have. Yikes! Thank you for giving this thought and sharing your ideas with me. xxxoooxxxx

  8. it is not always easy to get to the place where we have to let go.... a life long lesson. there is nothing in this world that we take with us, except perhaps our evolution and spirit.

    Spring is the perfect time to let go. I wish you the best each step of the way! I wonder if schools are a good place to give to?

    1. It's getting easier each day. And it's feeling GOOD. I have more energy than I've had in AGEs. And granddaughter's school and another charitable school are on my list. I've even thought about going into the poorest part of the city and leaving bags of stuff for people there.

      Thank you so much.

  9. Wow, that's a lot of stuff, but then again, you create a lot of stuff too. I know about the collecting (hoarding, mwah). My rule so far is simply that if I can still move around my house it's okay, haha. I actually love that i have so much stuff, because it makes for the oddest combinations to be possible. But yes, there are times when we must let go. I don't envy you of this task and I'm kindof happy I'm not moving anywhere in the foreseeable future. Love the projects in this post! Good luck on the destashing and good on you to make your friends happy with all of that stuff!

    1. I just talked about the tip of the iceberg Caatje!!! Ha! And yes...I do create a lot and LOVE having so much wonderful treasure at hand. I really like your rule. Hmmmm....might have to adopt that one. Thank you!

  10. The one who dies with the most junk wins! There is nothing worse then needing what you just threw out last

  11. My cousin walked by my very full workroom, and happily exclaimed, "I love your piles of creativity!". So now, whenever the mess gets me down, I remember to look at them in a different way!, haha

    1. Well yes...of course!!! That's honestly how I feel about them! I really love my stuff.

  12. HAHAHAHA. Thank you for hoarding Annie and brightening my day. I think I will focus on what you create with you stuff....instead of how much stuff you have [smile]

  13. Well I thought I was a hoarder but I have no way near as much treasure as you have. And when I do have a clear out I usually need the thing that I threw out not long after [even though I'd had it for years and never used]. But it will be a real shame if you do have to throw some 'precious'.

    1. Thank you so much. Every little bit of sympathy helps!!! LOL! I will pack 6 more suitcases and you can be sure that another layer of treasure will come back with me!

  14. Oh Annie... so many treasures... we have moved so many times and I have culled so many times... it is a big job... although nothing like giving away the unnecessary and creating a new energy in the process... good luck with the move... and the gifting...

    Jenny ♥

    1. Thanks Jenny. We've moved a lot too...but I've always managed to bring most of it with me. It feels GReat to start over in a I'm excited.

  15. I so enjoyed this post! I can certainly relate (but on a slightly smaller scale). Moving is always tough but a great opportunity to find out what is really important to you. The way you are using up your stash makes for some lovely art pieces.xx

    1. Thanks Lizbeth! I don't feel quite as rushed this week but will still spend every minute I have free in the play room.

  16. Honestly, how can anyone be "crafty" or make art without tons of stuff? I think it is an absolute necessity. Don't feel bad. I am currently using the shower in an unused bathroom as a closet for my fabric stash - plastic bins stacked up to the ceiling!!! Neatly hidden behind the very convenient shower curtain - tee hee!!!!!

    Don't feel the least bit bad about it. All serious crafters/artists are hoarders to some extent :))))

    1. We have a third bathroom FULL of stuff. You can't even SEE the commode or sink! I just think it's a shame that I've collected all of this...and saved the best for last...and now the best is leaving me. Oh well. I KNOW that there is more and BETTER to come. Thanks so much Starr for understanding and encouraging me!

  17. This looks so familiar! I have some hoarding issues too. I just love my doodads!

    1. LOL! It's so good to know I'm not alone!

      Thanks for stopping by. :)

  18. I'm not sure about the circumstances surrounding your move but to me, collecting is one of the greatest things about creating! That's exactly why I made that book and dove into stashes that I hadn't touched in months:) And thanks for the compliment, I did have quite a bit of fun. Wish you were closer so we could trade 'stuff'!!

    1. That's what I do too Patti! I love all my stuff including the collecting, handling, sorting and using of it! And...I'll collect again. Actually, I already have a bit of a stash waiting in FL for me. We live in Colombia and spent a small fortune bringing EVERYthing here...and thought we'd be here forever...but that isn't gonna happen and we just can't justify the cost (which is more) to bring it all back. Oh well...I'm happy to collect more! :)

      Thanks for stopping by...and you're welcome!

  19. understand. i have sets and sets of dinner plates and china.
    not to mention tablecloths and mats.on my credit i use them.

    1. At least you're smart enough to use them. THAT is the main lesson I've learned here. I will not save the best for last...ever again.

  20. I just received your gift in the mail today, what a surprise, it made my day, such beautiful heart felt creations, thank you thank you so much, beautiful art pieces I will treasure,

  21. So funny! I have to s of art stuff too but never as much as you. When you mentioned the glues I wondered other than mode podre and super glue and Elmer's what other glue is there? 80 pounds of jewelry? No way. And I thought I was the earring junkie par excellance. You must show me to believe. Now fabrics I'm sure I have a ton of.
    Are you in the new house yet?

    1. I swear. It was actually 81 pounds...and my scales weigh light. I've collected jewelry all my life. And oh yes...there are glues for metal, paper, glass, fabric, wood and on and on. Jerry is still in FL waiting for the loan to close on the house which will be next week!!! I'm back in Colombia until mid May making every second with my granddaughters count to the fullest.

  22. wow you made some beautiful pieces!

  23. Well I'm a member, but not as 'big' as yourself dear annie! Oh my, haha. But it is all relative isn't it. I have no doubt whatsoever that if I had any spare room(s) it would be filled. Your Columbian friends are going to love you forever, gifting them lots of goodies. I'm sure they will remember you fondly too, whenever they look at them :0) Mo x

    1. LOL! Thanks Mo. I do believe all artists have it in their blood!

  24. I can completely relate! I hate clutter, but when it comes to art supplies, I have such a hard time throwing things away! I think they account for most of the stuff in my house. I Looooovvve what you created though!! (So it was worth it, right?)

    1. LOL! It was worth it! And the more I think about it...the more I'm sure I'll do it again! Thanks so much for your empathy!

  25. Hilarious! So did you say all this for accountability?! Glad you linked up to Nina Marie's Fridays!

    1. LOL! Thank you! I actually said all that because I'm moving from Barranquilla, Colombia...back to FL, USA and have to leave 90% of my belongings behind. I packing 58 years in 6 suitcases!!!

  26. I totally identify. Hoarding R Us. Thanks for the perspective!

    1. Thank you Cathy! Hoarders Unite! (Perspective is my word for the year). :)

    2. i am in need of a closet make over. does anyone have storage closet shelves, storage for ribbon, scissors, paper shelves, etc.
      i am really in need of these things to make a craft room.


Yuckola. More than half of my email has been from anonymous, so.....