


One of the most generous and imaginative artists I've met online, 

has included me, once again in The Pulse 

in his Tell All posts.

The Altered Page

Way back in 2k11,

I submitted a series of answers to his questions...

along with pictures of art work...

and he included me in this totally cool project of his. 

Since I'm getting packed for my trip tomorrow...

and having an open house yard sale of sorts today...

I ForgoT until just now!

But better late than never.

I don't have any new art to show you this week...


so I'm including here,

pictures of some of my older stuff.

I'll see you in FL!

Create your life,




The other day when I made my Glue It Tuesday collage, I poured out a little orange paint into a dish to use for a doily stencil on my piece.

I love the way the doilies look when stenciled onto paper and fabric and had WAY too much paint left over in the least a tablespoon full and could NOT let it go down the drain.

So, I picked up the first piece of fabric that was nearby and stenciled more. 

I then went to my 'surface design bin' and did the same to everything I touched that could use a little extra pizazz.

I always work off the top of my pile and these fabrics just happened to be 'next'.

I used up all the paint and then began to spray water on the brush in the container...which went a Looooong way toward stenciling still more fabric. 

I always do this because the thought of paint wasted...and our earth's water supply...just doesn't appeal to me.

Once I had every bit used up...I dipped the brush in water and turned the last pieces orange by soaking them in it. 

At the end...there was just the barest hint of orange in the fabric. 

When I finally took soap to the brush, it was almost clear. Makes me feel good to do this...even if many of you think I'm a bit of a whacko. 

 I didn't get 'before' pictures...but all of these pieces already had some technique done to them so they'll be that much more interesting when I finally use them in a project. I know I should've ironed them...but it's so hot in Barranquilla that I just couldn't turn on the iron today.

I'll be leaving B'Quilla on Monday...for a go sign papers on our HOUSE CLOSING!!! YAAAAHHHHH000000000000! Thank you to ALL of you for your prayers, thoughts, well wishes and crossed fingers!

Oh, and it always amazes me when I have new followers and commenters and I just wanted to say THANK YOU!!! To the new ones and old ones. Yeah...I love all you oldies.

Create Your Life,




But...OMGosh it was fun!

I got to go through my drawers and drawers of paper and use up some of that glue...AND one more page is done in my Art Journal!


Aimee inspired me with her Glue It Tuesday thing. :)

Create Your Life,


With the encouragement of my friend, I'm also linking to Art Journal Journey - Special Moments.



OK. I admit it. I'm a collector packrat hoarder. Not like those you see on TV. I mean, you can walk around in my house. Mostly. What isn't out in plain view (furniture and chachkies out the ying yang) is all neatly stored in plastic bins, boxes, tins and all sorts of containers that I've collected hoarded over the years.

I don't even knit or crochet

I'm selling (CHEAP) or giving away EVERYTHING I own and a friend brought her 2 maids over yesterday so they could "shop" and said, "Why in the WORLD do you have so many tables"?!? I'm talking tables that you can dine at. I just counted 10. Some of them are stacked on top each other to hold my 18 plastic bins of fabric. Big bins.

We won't even talk about buttons but I have almost as many buttons as I do junk jewelry. When I was packing for this last trip to FL, I only took what I would grab if there were a fire. Eighty (80) POUNDS of jewelry came BACK to the States with me. EIGHTY pounds.

1/4 of my paint supplies

No sense discussing the linens or beads, charms, trims, bottle caps, glass, glass, glass and more glass. I must have 20 bowls in my kitchen. The ones you use to serve food in...not eat from. Not gonna count how many plates I own.

Are you getting the picture? Can you see why I was running around in circles wondering what the hell I was going to do with all this stuff last week?!? I's crunch time. 2 months. Gulp. 

So...what do I do? I get into the playroom and cover a broken plastic lid on a vintage plastic container that will most likely get thrown away. 

But hey, I used up some of my $%# pounds of paper stash...and oh yeah...a little of my 47 or so containers of glue.

It's all different types of glue you know. I mean, you never know what you might need. Right? 

Thinking of the paper makes me think of the stamps and stencils I haven't even unearthed in months. Oh yeah and all those cute little scissors that make different patterns. They're under all of my bags and purses...which are all bagged and boxed neatly of course. 

HELP! No, never mind the cry for help. 

I'll just continue to do what I've been doing for the past few days after walking around in circles for a week. I'll go into the playroom 

did I mention I have 4 sewing machines...not counting the 2 play ones I bought for Sophia?

and use up as much of this stuff as I possibly can before I have to throw it away. and sob uncontrollably thinking about leaving Sophia

The pictures here are what I've accomplished this week. 

a pot holder. Really?

I'll post about the lessons I'm learning one of these days. Once I've really gotten over learning them.

I always love to say, ''Create Your Life''. Because I believe we do.

WHAT have I created??!!!?? 

papier mache gone bad (used old starch instead of glue of flour)

Maybe a few happy Colombians that I'm giving my stuff to.

Create Your might want to think about it first.
