

We're staying in the coolest shabby chic garage apartment in St Pete. 

Our friends, Rick and Angie, own it 

and their daughter lives here when she comes home on leave from her Army job. 

Under the apartment is what used to be a garage

and is now Angie's very busy studio. 

Two of my dear friends came over a couple Sundays ago

and we marbled fabric.

Angie has been experimenting with marbling for a few months now

and was a very patient, wonderful teacher in showing us how she does it.

Shown, are the pieces that I did...

photographed on the stairs leading up to the apartment. 

Believe it or not 

when we packed our 'must have' stuff, I included some plain muslin,

but my favorite marbled pieces were done on a vintage embroidered tablecloth that I cut up.

I'm totally looking forward to having a 'wet station' in our new house (more on that soon) so I can dye, paint, screen print, marble and play to my heart's content.

Create Your Life,



  1. oh boy! I would love to do that, the closest I came to that was leaf pounding the pigments into the fabric, I would just love to try this, your cloth looks amazing!

  2. Thanks Laurie. It was a very zen experience. I learned a lot about how the paint reacts in the alginate and may over-marble many of these. Some of them were the second or ghost impressions and are very light. You know me. I LOVE bold and colorful!

  3. That looks very interesting, annie. Some fun looking pieces you've got to play with now. Love those colored baubles hanging in the windows of wherever you are in the photo too.

    1. Thanks Annie. I think Surface Design is my favorite thing to do! We're at a lovely Restaurant/Gallery called Craftsman House.

  4. I'm loving the look of this marbling! Have a great weekend and hope all is going well. ybf ann.

    1. It's all going great, thank you very much! :) I'm having a truly lazy day for the first time in a long time. But it includes art!

  5. Such beauty, such freedom...your happiness shines through in these colourful pieces of fabric. Funny thing, I was thinking about "marbling" my white paper with inks. You've inspired me (as usual).

    1. Thanks Kelly! Have you tried it before? If not, you're in for a treat!!!

  6. How cool is that place, and all the glass globes hanging in those windows. xox How is that big young fella of yours doing, staying nice and safe I hope.

    1. We are SO at home here. We love it. It's fairly close to where we'll be living. All the better. My Bear is doing well. Ready to be home. There's a slight chance that he'll come home early. He calls often and I love how close we are. Thank you Corrine.

  7. Isn't art FUN?!!! Those fabrics look great. I'm so glad you are able to find time to create and enjoy yourself in the midst of a big move. I'd be stressed!

    1. It IS fun. This in particular was very meditative to me. I'm not feeling stressed...except a little when I think of missing my Sophia and her little sister, Claire Bear.

  8. Great artwork! Beautiful photos! Awesome and strange red flower! Magnifical bird... I love your blog!

    1. Aww Sim...Your comments always make me feel like I'm someone special. And for sure...YOU are! Thank you. :) PS (I don't know what that flower is...but I do know that it loves and thrives in wet dirt.

  9. Ooh, that looks like soo much fun! How exciting to think you're going have a wet area to play in too! Can't wait to see what other beauteous art you come up with now! Mo :0) x


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