


It'll be 2 weeks Thursday since we arrived in Florida

Lots of alleys.

and we're still house hunting.

It's taking a little longer than I'd imagined...

but I know that 'Mr and Mrs Right' is out there waiting for us to find it. 

Actually, we put an offer in on a house today.

This is the 4th offer we've made (on 4 different houses).

Somehow...this one is giving us both a good feeling.

We've learned a ton about the extremely healthy market in this area...

namely that everything nice, in our price range, 

is getting scarfed up immediately.

Rick & Angie's garage apt that we're renting (upstairs) (downstairs is the studio).

But that's ok...

because now we know what we know from hunting 

and we can make decisions faster and with more confidence. 

I've only been to the beach one time since arriving...

but that will change once we have a house under contract.

Jerry got sick the day we left Colombia 

Our temporary home.

and we're both still recovering from the Creeping Colombian Crud

and trying not to spread it to everyone we meet.

I'm posting random pictures that I've taken in St Pete along the way,

mostly from the truck window...

and look forward to showing you the marbled fabric I painted this past Sunday (!!!),

during a workshop with these girls -

Can you believe I went out with my hair looking like this?

in my next post.

Create Your Life,



  1. Fingers crossed you get a house soon. House hunting can be very tiring, but I'm sure 'Your Home' is out there :) The photos of the one on your post looks lovely, so if it is meant to be, then it will happen. Hope Jerry is feeling better. ybf ann.

    1. Thanks Ann! We come home and crash every day. And then do it again. But we're both much more energetic today and excited about getting good news tomorrow!

  2. Me too fingers crossed on your offer....That place looks like the perfect white canvas for you to make your own. Hope it all comes to fruition quickly....xox

    1. Thank you Corrine! That's just the way I was looking at it!! Woot, woot!

  3. Me three fingers crossed! Feel better soon, both of you!

    1. Thank you Robin. I miss our slightly more regular correspondence!

  4. You will find the perfect spot and make it your own in no time. How exciting! Can't wait to see your beach inspired quilts that you certainly will be making in 2013

    1. Now how'd you know they were coming?!? LOL! I was certainly inspired by the Gulf when I lived here before. What a gorgeous area. Thanks so much!

  5. yes, take your time
    find the one that feels right
    to the two of you
    so important
    wishing you the best on your hunt
    and your home!

    1. We're both compromising...but finding it a joyful experience. Thanks so much Tammie!

  6. Hi Annie:
    Just writing to say I haven't forgotten you. The pt online classes I'm taking, especially the math, are taking up most of my time. Are you moving back to FL, St. Pete, or just buying a vacation house?

    Also, I love the art journal calendar. What is it? A wall hanging? How is it used? I'd like to design something similar. Is it decorative or functional?

    1. Hi Sandi! It's good to hear from you. I'm excited that you're taking classes. What's the goal? We've decided to move back to FL and St Pete is it. I'll miss my granddaughters but believe we'll have the best of both worlds.

      The calendar is a page in my art journal. I can make notes on it...or add stickers or whatever...but just can't seem to remember to open the journal it's in!!! I'm off to do that now!

  7. Hi Annie! Don't you worry, soon enough you'll find a house that’s perfect for you and your budget. House hunting is somehow fun, visiting different houses and making a feel out of it, picturing if you can live there for the rest of your life. LOL! Good luck on your house hunting! Show us your new home in the future.

    1. Thanks so much Kristopher. I agree. I actually think we've found it...but have to wait until tomorrow for the YES!

  8. you are so brave the two of you !! hope you'll soon settle in a lovely little nest !!! love and support from France!

    1. Thank you so much Claudine! We're hoping to make a decision soon!

  9. I like it. It looks large and with a great yard if you like to garden. Good luck. You deserve the best Annie.

    1. Thanks so much. We didn't get that house...but the one we're getting is SO much better in SO many ways!!!

  10. You made house hunting sound easy! I think what helps you decide quickly is that you already know what you want. You have a clear vision of what your future home looks like. It made the choosing less tedious, and you can easily make an offer to your prospective home. Best of luck to house shopping!

    1. wasn't exactly easy...but lots of looking for sure in those three weeks! You're comment is spot on. Thanks so much Katy!

  11. Don’t lose hope yet, Annie! It can be tiring to go house hunting, but you’ll find that comparing houses would set your standard higher. The more houses you visit, the more information you’ll gather about what to look and not to look for in a house. More power to you and Jerry!

    Oscar Lang

    1. Thanks Oscar for your encouraging words! And you're right...we've learned so much.


Yuckola. More than half of my email has been from anonymous, so.....