


I want to take a minute to wish each of you peace in the new year.

I'm finding it in being a home body this past month...sewing...playing in my art journal and spending time with those I love...and imagining our son home again.

He's in Afghanistan and I'd love your prayers for him. His last two deployments were - in my mind - not as dangerous - and it seems to be more difficult for him to find peace this time around. But he is doing well. I'll continue to believe that he will thrive.

I hope you'll keep all of those who find themselves in less than peaceful your thoughts and prayers.

Today, I read something to the effect that's the opposite of 'the straw that broke the camel's back'. It was...what if...your next thought, FINALLY, brought you to the place of ____________ that you've been yearning for. You fill in the blank with whatever it is you want. 

Peace Love and all things Groovy in 2k13!

Create Your Life,


linking...Inspire me Monday



My time with my grand daughters has always been precious to me

and now that we've decided to move back to the States - away from them...

it's even more precious.

I can't imagine the heart break of the families who have lost children.

Well. I don't want to imagine it.

And when Diana Trout put out a call on Face Book for people to make prayer flags for Newtown,

I thought, I hoped, maybe I could help relieve some of the pain with my prayers...

with my flags.

Diana has since teamed up with Leighanna Light

who has begun a facebook page entitled The Hope Flag Project

My understanding of the "new version" of prayer flags

is that after they're made

they're hung outside in the elements

where they eventually disintegrate.

And as they fall apart over the weeks, months...

the prayers are carried by the air

to bring comfort and solace

to those in need.

Because we don't have a yard, 

mine are hanging outside my apartment door.

Create your life...

linking to Pink Saturday, Off the Wall Friday and Artists In Blogland in hopes to spread the word about prayer flags.



In my to give it away.

We foolishly bought a large variety bag of Hershey's nuggets a couple weeks ago. 

Like, I really need more sugar.

I'm happy to say there are still some in the freezer...meaning...I haven't eaten them all.


I'm even happier to say that I came across this tutorial

and decided to play along with my 5 yo...Sophia.

I know it's terrible to give something as a gift when I don't like it...(the candy, that is)

but I don't feel too bad since we improved them.

And really...other people must like dark chocolate...right?!? 

Otherwise, they wouldn't keep making the stuff.

Anyhoo, she and I used stamps and card stock that I had on hand and had a great time cutting them out,

and coloring and decorating after stamping.

We glued our Christmas trees and Santas back to back with a half opened paper clip in between.

Then we wrapped the dark chocolate nuggets with Christmas paper and taped the trees on top.

In the tutorial, a full bodied Santa was used and it was really cute to see it rock back and forth on the nugget. 

Ours...not so cute in that respect.

But they really were adorable.

Sophia had the delight and honor of delivering them to friends here in our building.

And, now I can say, I put up a tree.

Even if it was on Christmas Eve.

Create Your Life,
