


In my to give it away.

We foolishly bought a large variety bag of Hershey's nuggets a couple weeks ago. 

Like, I really need more sugar.

I'm happy to say there are still some in the freezer...meaning...I haven't eaten them all.


I'm even happier to say that I came across this tutorial

and decided to play along with my 5 yo...Sophia.

I know it's terrible to give something as a gift when I don't like it...(the candy, that is)

but I don't feel too bad since we improved them.

And really...other people must like dark chocolate...right?!? 

Otherwise, they wouldn't keep making the stuff.

Anyhoo, she and I used stamps and card stock that I had on hand and had a great time cutting them out,

and coloring and decorating after stamping.

We glued our Christmas trees and Santas back to back with a half opened paper clip in between.

Then we wrapped the dark chocolate nuggets with Christmas paper and taped the trees on top.

In the tutorial, a full bodied Santa was used and it was really cute to see it rock back and forth on the nugget. 

Ours...not so cute in that respect.

But they really were adorable.

Sophia had the delight and honor of delivering them to friends here in our building.

And, now I can say, I put up a tree.

Even if it was on Christmas Eve.

Create Your Life,



  1. YOU DON'T LIKE DARK CHOCOLATE? Whaaaaat? That's just not right! LOL Cute idea to use them up though. Tell Sophia she did a great job!

    1. I know. I have a dear friend in Pinellas that won't eat anything but...and I just don't get it! No way. I feel like I'm putting baking cocoa in my mouth. I will pass on your message to Sophia. :)

  2. hahaha...first I have to comment on your comment that you "put up a tree"...then you were so smart to give it away so you wouldn't have the work of taking it down. Nice! I think people confuse "dark chocolate is good for you" with they like it. I have to agree with you. These little treats are such a fun idea.

    1. LOL! Ain't I just the grinch personified?!? I felt guilty telling Sophia that I wouldn't have a tree this year but she took it in stride. It's the first year ever that I haven't had one!!! And YES! Taking it down was a snap! Dark chocolate is ok...with enough sugar added. And maybe vanilla...and a cake mix, etc... to help kill the taste. That's the only way it's good for me!!!

  3. This is so cute, but to give away dark chocolate would be unthinkable to me. My first thought was "The best thing to do with dark chocolate is to EAT it". The darker the better. For a while a local store sold 85% chocolate and yum. Milk chocolate is way too sweet for my taste. time...just send all those bars to me, no decoration needed! ;-)

    1. I can't believe there are that many dark chocolate lovers in the world!!! I've only received three comments...but so far, dark is winning. I do have a friend who is like you...the darker the better. I've been shopping with her numerous times and she always checks out the percentage. I just have to walk away.!!! I'll definitely keep you in mind for the next time it miraculously appears in my house. :)

  4. oh Annie!! you have to have that checked, it's serious.
    bet Sophia had a field day.

  5. What a great idea. I'm just popping over to the link for a look see :)

    1. YaY! Someone who doesn't think I'm crazy for not liking dark chocolate!!! Or at least you didn't say so. :)

  6. everywhere would love this Christmas or not. Hope you holiday was lovely. xox

    1. It really would work for anything! We've been and still are having a beautiful Christmas season. The same is for you.

  7. Such a cool idea, Annie!! And I love dark chocolate!! And I always feel so disappointed when they give me milk chocolate...:-(

    1. I love it when I find something so simple...and fun...and quick...and child friendly...and if only I'd known you love dark chocolate...I would have saved one for you!!!

  8. So cute! And I bet a lot of fun to make...........
    BTW.........I am a milk chocolate lover....wish I liked the dark.....but.....yuck!!!!!!!

    1. YAY!!! I'm so glad to have an ally!!! I'll save some of the other varieties for when you come to visit. These were lots of fun to make!

  9. Charming're so clever!

    1. Thanks...but I can't take credit for this idea...and my 5 yo grand daughter directed most of it!!!

  10. Such a beautiful way to gift chocolates... I love the gorgeous Christmas trees and Santa's... they look wonderful...

    Jenny ♥

    1. Thank you Jenny. They were perfect for the neighbors that we didn't actually give gifts to. And the trees became ornaments in most houses!

  11. Annie, you have made me literally laugh out loud with this one! I read the post and then all the comments - so funny! I am a dark chocolate lover too, I'm afraid; but in your defense, I believe you have a tender palette as well as a tender heart!

    BohemiAnnie could eat no dark,
    And Starr could eat no sweet;
    And in between the two of them
    There was nothing left to eat!!!

    1. Talk about laughing out loud. Hubby is sitting across the table asking me what's so funny?!?

      Love your poem. Love it!!!


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