


My blog is - in a big way - me talking to myself. It's an easy way for me to have a record, with photos, of what art I make, when. 

The really unexpected, wonderful side benefit of that I get so much positive encouragement from so many awesome people all over the world. Way cool. 

So, even when I don't especially love something I've made, I still post about it. These two (three if you count the last one posted about) Secret Pocket...or Slider purses, I do love. Well, at least I like them a lot even if they aren't 'just right'.

These two are made from the same piece of what I think is a slubby Dupioni silk that I stamped on a couple/three years ago and then free motion stitched last month. I put slinky fabrics on the back of them and showed off my FMS in this post

I mentioned in my last post how difficult this pattern is to me and got a lot of sympathy from many of you. Thanks for that. It makes me feel like I'm not alone.

I used to go to my mom with pattern challenges and in explaining to and showing her what the problem was, I'd figure it out - usually without her saying a word. Well Mom is no longer on this earth...even though I do still talk to her at times. But she didn't have any advice for this pattern.

I'm horrible with measurements (and math) and these instructions are ALL about measuring and then having the nerve to call the same piece something else in the next section. 

I was chatting with my son, who is in Afghanistan, and asking him questions about where he was and what he was doing and he was being evasive with his answers. He told me to put two and two together. I told him that he knew I wasn't good at math.

He finally had to say that Skype isn't you can see that I have some mental problems uh, problems  figuring things out sometimes.

One of my blogger friends, Ann, suggested that I make up my own pattern...and by golly, I think I will. In a few months.

For now, you get to see the pretty and the not so pretty sides of these two bags which are gifts. Yes...even thought they're not perfect...they are being given with love and in hopes that they'll be loved.

Create Your Life,


I'm delighted to be linking to a 'new-to-me' blog party...which is all about (or mostly about) art quilts!
Creations by Nina-Marie


  1. Another beautiful purse...hey, I got a mention in this post, yay (she says blushing) Thanks annie! - glad you like the idea of doing your own instructions for the pattern. All good wishes to your son in the A place! our thoughts are with him. ybf ann.

    1. Thank you so much Ann! And you're welcome. :) I've thought about your idea a gazillion times because I really like these little purses. So good to see Morris this morning!

  2. Love you bags, those are so cute! Love the embellishment, and look like a great size. Thanks for your visit! There is no recipe really for the lemon & baking soda for furniture freshening...we are wiping with lemon slices and a baking soda/water mix, and leaving bowls of baking soda in the inside. It is helping, but it's not ready to come in the house yet! Thanks for your visit!

    1. Thank you so much...and you're welcome. I was told by a friend some years ago that vodka works and I've tried it - and it does...but that gets expensive where we live. I'll try your idea. Thanks!

  3. Cute little bags even if they are hard to make! xox

  4. very cute purses! Isn't it great that blogging is always there for us?

  5. Hi annie! This one's my favorite! And I think I pretty much have them figured out now. They're very cool and clever too. I know you could design your own. I hate when instructions refer to the same piece with different name references! That's just plain mean. LOL

    1. You got that right! Mean is a nice word for it. This post actually has two bags...made from the same fabric. Three is all I can handle though until I do some pattern revisions. Thanks so much!

  6. After making three I'd think you'd be an expert and could throw away the directions! They are adorable, even if they are a pain to make!

    1. Well, I've actually made 10 or 12 of them over the years...and still use that stupid pattern. But you're right, I have been making it hard on myself and I will throw it away the next time it surfaces. (I buried it deep). Thanks Robin!

  7. They are beautiful and I know they will be loved! I had to chuckle when you said you couldn't put 2 and 2 together about your son in Afghanistan. Keeping our soldiers in my prayers!

    1. Thank you so much Adriann. (I thought it was pretty funny). HAAAHa!!! I really appreciate your prayers for him and all of our soldiers.

  8. Sweet bags to be loved by whom ever gets them. No such thing as perfect!
    Sending positive energy to your son, hope he gets home soon and safely. Thank him for me for doing an important job there!

    1. I will tell him. Thank you times 10 Lynn! I always say I'm not a perfectionist...totally not...but with something like this...I just want it to look...well...perfect.

  9. Hello, just got to catch up with you and your posts. I missed a few but wanted to send a hug your way. I am glad you are feeling a little better. I know telling you to cheer up doesn't really work but I wanted to add something encouraging. A lot of my friends posted for November the 30 days of thanks (I did it one day for everything) and sometimes I think it helps to say outloud those things we are thankful for. I am glad you are finding those things to be happy about. I love and miss you and hope to see you again next time you are here. Hugs again :)

    1. Thanks so much Linda. I'm feeling ALL better. Really think it was mostly because I was sick and couldn't get over it for awhile. We're planning a trip to St Pete for we'll have to get together then. We have great big plans that we're excited about. I'll skype you soon. Much love to you and the kids and of course my baby brother. :)

  10. know what? i like this one better than the previous one.why don't you like it?

    1. I think I like these better too...but the construction is a little sloppier and unless I HAVE to, I don't remove stitches.

  11. These are so adorable! Love them - they have a romantic feel about them.


    1. I love the idea that they have a romantic feel. Thank you Leann!

  12. I like this one, the fabric is rather nice with your printing and stitching. I've got a better idea as to how they are made now, but still couldn't make one - yet.

    1. Thanks Sheila. If you don't figure it out before I re-write the pattern...I'll send it to you and you won't have to figure it out! :)

  13. Comme je l'ai dit sur Flickr, je trouve ce travail formidable et astucieux.
    Comme j'aimerais avoir un tuto pour en faire un moi même, si celà est possible.
    Amicales pensées des Alpes Françaises, sous la neige!!!

    1. Je vais faire ce motif sur dans les prochaines semaines et nous serons heureux de faire un tutoriel aussi. Merci beaucoup pour demander et d'être venus ici et d'FLICKR à visiter. Alpes françaises! Wow! Bénédictions et l'amour de vous de la section Costena de la Colombie.

  14. Love the surface design and stitching on this one.

  15. You sound like me!! I totally stink and measuring and math! Have made several cattywompus little glitter houses with my kids that will not be making an appearance in public! LOL!!

    Love the little purses, btw. Very sweet and cute. I know they will be much loved and appreciated :)

    1. Thanks Starr. It IS good to know that I'm not alone! :) I gave the purses to my friends last week and they loved them. :)


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