

Seth Apter's Playing Favorites

The moon rising over St Petersburg, FL.
I'm posting this a month late...but wanted to give you the link to a very 'worth the time to look at' blog. 

An art postcard I'd made a few years ago but never took a picture of. (My friend has it displayed after all this time). :) (Maybe she just takes it out when I visit). NO!

Seth Apter has been taking lots of his valuable time to promote artists through The Altered Page.

Two of my VERY dearest friends. BOTH recent cancer survivors. WOO HOO!!!

I was fortunate to be a part of The Pulse (not the book) last year which is where he posted about different artists and showed snippets of their work and words.

What's this fascination with manhole covers? Maybe it's because they're stolen from the streets in it's nice to walk about without having to watch for holes.

The segment that he's working on now is called Playing Favorites. I'm part of Chapter 8. I hope you'll take a look.

While in SW FL, we visited the newly re-furbished downtown Fort Myers...which they're trying to get folks to call Riverwalk. Us locals (past tense for me) have a hard time with that. It's been an ongoing project for years...and I must say the area is BEAUtiful.

Otherwise...I'm home! Still lots of unpacking to do but we're getting there. 

The old buildings and brick streets downtown Ft Myers Riverwalk are awesome. See! I getting better at calling it that!

It was pure BLISS to see my girls and I'm anticipating lots of time with them today. Hopefully mommy will let me post a picture of them...eventually. 

I have a feeling that art will happen soon.

The pictures are, of course, from our month in the States and have nothing to do with Seth's blog.

Downtown FM has become rather artsy and this picture is from one of the very wonderful shops.

We sat in the shade for a few to rest our tootsies.

The menu and napkin at Ford's Garage where we had WONDERFULLY presented and delicious food.

Henry Ford's winter home is down the river a bit and open for  tourists.

Ford's Garage Restaurant is making the most of  the gazillions of people that visit every day. Can you see the  stamp on the bun? (I had a DElicious salad). Hubby ate the burger.
Then we headed to our hotel - on Fort Myers Beach and totally enjoyed everything about it...except the room...but it was only two nights and we chose not to make a big deal out of it. But I wouldn't stay there again. PS- when I saw this picture it motivated me to 1. Wear a bra in public 2. Get in better shape 3. Art up that shirt that I found in a consignment shop sooner rather than later.
Time for tootsies in the water.
I thought I'd just take a picture...but was able to smuggle this shell home for Sophia's collection. Don't tell!!!

Sunrise get me in shape.
We had a lovely, fierce storm blow through. My favorite kind.

More delicious storminess.

Create Your Life,

Me...and my shadow.


The famous pier at Times Square - Ft Myers Beach


  1. What an honour (and much deserved!) to be featured by Seth Aptner! Congrats! Your piece is astonishing :) Love all your vacation photos too!

    1. Thanks so much Kelly! I feel the same way. It was a total honor.

  2. Hello annie! How nice to spend some vacation time with you over this past month. I've enjoyed all the sites and your art and your class and sitting here where I am is probably the best place for me to share your storm. LOL Welcome home! Now off to check out Seth.

    1. Hello Yourself! I'm so glad you could join me...but it's good to be home. My Sophia spent the night and I'm in cuddle heaven. Hope you enjoyed Seth's blog.

  3. Gorgeous photos, will catch up properly over the weekend.

    1. Hi Ann. Thank you...and don't worry about catching up...just keep painting!

  4. Thanks for the beautiful tour of a different world. I was interesting in your manhole cover picture as I once did an art project on manhole and other iron covers on the pavement, art is everywhere. Also thanks for the Seth link, very interesting.

    1. YW Sheila! And thank you! I love finding pattern and contrast and this was just too cool not to shoot. Do you have pictures of your project?

  5. Congrats on being featured in 'Playing Favorites'! The Kiss has always been one of my favorite pieces of yours!
    Great photos of your vacation! I felt like I was there! LOL (sorry, couldn't resist! ttyl)

    1. LOL! And thank you. I felt like you were there too!!!

  6. What a full and fulfilled post- happy for you on all accounts.

  7. Thanks so much for sharing your work as part of Playing Favorites!

    1. No...Thank YOU for allowing me to do so on your very wonderful blog!!! At the risk of sounding outdated...'You da bomb'!

  8. I saw it on there. so cool! Such an amazing quilt. How big is it?

  9. Thanks Julie! It's about 2 by 3 kinda big...for me anyway. :)


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