


Puerto Colombia - done for my son-in-law after visiting Colombia for the first time.

Since my real true love is art quilting...or a form of it...I went looking online...found...and became a member of The Art Quilt Blog. They asked that I introduce myself in my first post there and so I did. Here is the link if you'd like to take a look. 

The Art Quilt Blog

Thanks again to all of you who follow MY blog. I hope I can bring something good into your life.



  1. You ALWAYS bring something good into my life!
    (Great post over at the Art Quilt Blog!)

    1. Thank you so very much Robin. I say the same thing about your blog! I've left your link on two of the blog hop sites that asked for favorite blogs…because your wit, stories and sketches are…!

  2. Nice intro post on the other blog. That little quilt with the dimensional hearts attached to it is so awesome! I love that! You can probably tell that I'm better with definitive things than I am with abstract. And this one that you made for your son-in-law is wow! I can't even imagine where I would begin something like that. Your art quilts are wonderful annie!

    1. Thank you Annie! Sometimes when I look back…I think…Hmmm, I did that?!? And it makes me want to give it another try. That's what happened last night when I was extracting these pictures from other blog posts. So I'm totally motivated now and can't wait to get busy playing! And I begin with a picture that I've taken when I do those type quilts. I LOVE that technique. Of course…I love every technique pretty much. :)

    2. Oh and PS…I had to go look to see the dimensional hearts quilt and that is a bunch of Valentine's laying together and does kind of look like a quilt now that you mention it! After I made the Valentine brooches, I decorated paper to pin them on. :)

  3. Love your introduction to The Art Quilt Blog. Wish I could pack a suitcase and join in a retreat...but since I hate flying I guess I'll have to wait for teleportation to be invented! ybf ann.

    1. Thank you Ann. We could just knock you out like the A Team used to do with Mr. T. How does that sound?!? LOL!

  4. Thanks for the link, annie!. I very much enjoyed your introductory post.

  5. A great post over at the art quilt blog annie!
    I would love to do a workshop with you but I don't think I could ever afford the airfare!

    1. Thanks Gill! I would love it if you could come for a workshop. Maybe we'll meet somewhere close to you - sometime…

  6. Nice intro, those owls are the hoots and I so love your puffy 3D heart piece, thump thump. xox

    1. Thank you Corrine! I love those owls too! Don't know why I haven't made more. And the 3d heart piece is actually a group of brooches on cards! I need to go label that one!

  7. Awesome introduction. And I love your business cards sooooooo much!

  8. Fabulous intro. I hope you get to meet a lot of new artsy friends this way!

  9. Wonderful compositions which show in this great post at The Art Quilt Blog I that pretty quilt landscape of Colombia.

    1. Thank you Leovi! The Colombia landscape was one of those 'inspired' pieces that just came together so easily and it still amazes me that I did it!
      I appreciate you looking at the Art Quilt Blog posting because I know you're a busy artist!


Yuckola. More than half of my email has been from anonymous, so.....