


Remember Melanie? I love her song.

"We were meant to see the beginning of the day...

I believe it was planned to lift us this way...

Take you an apple and take you a song...

and watch a baby day be born"...

I've had the privilege of seeing lots of baby days be born in the last couple weeks. 

And yes, I was often singing that song out loud as I watched.

I just wish I could watch my granddaughter be born today...or tomorrow as the case may be. 

Probably today.

Hillary's doctor wanted to induce labor last week and she convinced him to wait until today...

so she's at the hospital right now...

on a drip...

waiting for our precious Claire to come into the world. 

The hospitals here don't allow even the father to be in the room for the most part...

so every time Pedro goes in...

he comes out and calls with a progress report.

She's doing just fine. 

They both are. 

Mommy and baby. 

Pedro will be allowed to go in with her once her labor becomes...laborious. 


He has to buy scrubs there at the hospital and put them on...and once he's in...he can't come out.

And no telephones, cameras or anything else that may be carrying in germs from the world.

They had Sophia naturally at a birthing center in Florida with a midwife...

so this is quite a different experience for both of them. 

I'm just so glad they're as together as they can be.

The thought of her in there alone is almost barbaric to me. 

So...I'm focusing of the beautiful things about this beautiful day.

Sophia is at her first full day of school. She started this past Thursday - partial days - and loves it.
They go for 5 1/2 hours...which seems like a loooonnng time to me for a four year old. (Well...she'll be five in November). Jerry left a while ago in the pouring rain to go pick her up.

She has gone through a gamut of emotions in the waiting of her new baby sister but is happy and excited and ready to meet her. I think she'll be a great little mommy's helper. 

I can't WAIT to see her today. annie! grandma is feeling a little melancholy.

Don't get me wrong. I'm excited too. 

It's just that after having my babies...I always thought I'd be a birthing coach. 

I loved the process of birth SO much and thought it was the most marvelous experience of my life. 

I ended up home educating my kids from beginning to end and never did get back into a delivery room.

Then, when my son graduated from boot camp, his fiancĂ©, my hubby and I went to the graduation...and Hillary went into labor a few hours after we'd left. 

I didn't get back until Sophia was a couple days old.

I ALWAYS thought I'd be in the room with my daughter when she had her kids.

Oh well.

At least I'm close enough to the little ones to be the nanny!

Grandmas will get to peek in the nursery window after the rituals are completed. 

Abulelita Astrid will pick me up and we'll go together. I really love that idea. 

I'll go now and await news and as soon as I have a picture...I'll show it to the world!

create your life,


Update!!! She arrived about 10 minutes ago!!! I'm on my way to the hospital!!!


  1. Wow... Congratulations to mum, dad Sophia and the grands. Golly that at the end of your post actually gave me a tear of excitement. Bless you all and look forward to baby pics. Ybf Ann.

    1. Thank you Ann! I was trying not to cry the whole time, while writing that loooonnnnggg post…so you just picked up the vibe and gave me an empathy tear. And I so appreciate it!

  2. Congratulations again, grandma annie!!!! So excited for you and Hillary and Pedro and Sophia and Jerry! Can't wait to see Claire!

  3. So excited and happy for you!!!! Best to all. And give the little Sophia an extra hug or two today.

    1. Thank you Charlene!!! Sophia came to our house and spent the night and we had a wonderful time. I video taped mommy giving Sophia her love when I went to the hospital so she could see her and Claire and it was a hit.

  4. OMG, I can't believe that sunrise (and sunset also, is it?) Those colours are amazing, I could look at it all day. Beautiful post, and so happy your granddaughter arrived safely! Congrats!

    1. Thanks so much Denthe! I put WAY too many words and pictures in that post…but they are all beautiful to me. And they're all of the sun rising!

  5. welcome sweet little Claire welcome to that world...I send you, and family all the love I can frame France

    1. This was heartfelt from the top of my head to the tip of my toes. Thank you so much Sarah.


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