


I met Robin from Pink House Studio over five or more years ago at an AQU meeting. She was carrying an awesome crazy quilt bag that she'd made and I totally loved, and we struck up a short, sweet conversation. We found out we lived around the corner from each other and talked about getting together but it never happened. As far as my memory goes, I never saw her again (possibly once at another meeting) and unfortunately, we never continued the friendship that was sparked. 

The packages of Create Your Life cards you see in the front row are some of Robin's creations!
Then, a couple years ago, I commented on one of her sketches in a FLICKR group that we're both members of. I didn't know it was her at the time, but came to find out, through a series of comments, that it was. I, again, totally appreciated her wit, charm and art. We follow each others blogs now and I always love her sense of humor, family stories and whatever it is she's up to in the field of happy art making. 

Well...through a wonderful series of events and the amazing generosity of her heart...she sent me a package in the mail...which I received yesterday...and I just had to share it with you. Robin told me to expect a package because the mail system here in Colombia is totally...well..let's not go there. She sent the package by Express mail which guaranteed it would arrive and I'm sure she paid a very dear price when she put it in the mail to me. She told me not to get excited because it wasn't much. This is only the second piece of personal mail I've received in the 2+ years that we've lived in Barranquilla. Others have tried and whatever is sent...goes...somewhere else. So you can imagine my surprise and delight when Robin's package arrived yesterday with the MOST wonderful treats you can imagine. My 4 year old granddaughter and hubby were close by to share in the excitement and we all three just had so much fun opening the package. I'm tearing up again thinking about it. Yes, I cried many happy tears of joy and I'm sure the neighbors were wondering what all the squealing and laughing was all about. was about love.

Thank you Robin.

Create your life,



  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Robin. I should have asked you first if you minded me broadcasting. I hope it's ok…and if not…let me know. xxooxo

  2. I agree, Robin's sense of humour is amazing with her witty posts...they have me in stitches too. Looks a great parcel to have received and I love how Robin put the 'Create your Life' in, as that's always your closing statement...lucky you (:

    1. I am over the moon happy with her thoughtfulness…but then again…I am with yours too!

  3. Well, if you're finally going to get mail, it simply could not be any better than that! How fun! Love those cards too! I guess I need to check out Robin's blog. Off to see if I can find it.

  4. How sweet is friendship from afar.. What a lovely surprise. xox

  5. Very cool blog, way better than my zine stuff lol thanks for stopping by, love your site

  6. Aw thanks Lillian! Not better...just different!

  7. Isn't the internet amazing. The connections you can make across the globe. I've received some amazing generous gifts from all over the world. It's a pity your postal system is so untrustworthy, must be so frustrating. Happy for you that this arrived safely. Enjoy!

    1. It is amazing Caatje. I never would've thought I'd feel the way I do about people like YOU that I communicate with every week online. Yep, the mail system is aggravating …but thankfully we're able to go to the States a couple times a year where I can pick up and mail stuff. We DID receive a credit card in the mail today. It was a month since they sent them…and the envelope was open and one of the cards was missing. Dumb bank has been told many times not to send CCs to us.. but they don't listen. And yes…it was used fraudulently.

  8. Excellent composition, very creative, I love the contrast of colors.


Yuckola. More than half of my email has been from anonymous, so.....