


street art

Today we have our second moon this month...otherwise known as a Blue Moon. 

The shiny green fabric was stamped with my hand made alligator stamp. Need to work on that one.

This only happens once in a blue moon...

nope that's not the's a street light near our building...which is ...right THERE

so it's a special, magical day in my book. 

I've seen many references to it...but have yet to see the actual moon itself. 

Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta off in the distance behind Rio Magdalena

I'll be looking tonight though. 

The favorite thing I've read about it is from Nancy Privett's Facebook page. If you click here it'll take you to her website. 

Barranquilla...out my window

My pictures are of the progression on page 1 of my book, People Let Your Light Shine. The other pix are mostly of the view out my living room window. Nothing at all to do with the Blue Moon.

Page 1 - The Alligator Page - is kind of blue-ish ( started out with lots of blue anyway) so it fits for today's post.

In honor of the Blue Moon of course. 

It's not my favorite page of the book but I'm happy with the way it turned out although I've got my radar tuned into finding just the thing it needs.

Fireworks were set the night Claire was born. Sophia and I saw lots more but I didn't think about the camera until too late...almost.

No rush. I often 'tweak' my projects for years if they hang around that long. 

I got to keep Claire Bear by myself for about an hour while my daughter and hubby went grocery shopping this morning.

frequent visitors in the mango tree outside our window

Then, hubby and I picked up her big sister from school. 

Does life get any better?

busy corner near 72 and 43

Create your life,


I think he sees me!


PEOPLE LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE - inside front cover

Life is full.

And oh, so good.

I simply adore having a new granddaughter. 

And love her big sister coming up to visit every day - even though mommy is on maternity leave.

She and I have been working on special projects...

And I've been making sure she knows how special and wonderful she is.

And - great big sigh - holding the little one and watching her take in the world around her is simply indescribably delicious.

Life IS so good.

And in between all of that...

I've got time to post these pictures of the inside cover of my newest book


People Let Your Light Shine.

Create Your Life,


Sometimes, especially early in the morning, the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta will allow me to view it in all it's majesty.


My New Book...a BLOG HOP PARTY...AND Give Aways!

I've come to love and appreciate and feel loved by those of you that read my blog. I also feel like I've gotten to know many of you personally and I really value your friendship. 

Without getting all sappy and everything...I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for the many comments of encouragement, support and you've given me. 

I'm participating in Quilting Gallery's CELEBRATE BACK TO SCHOOL DAYS - QUILTERS BLOG HOP PARTY this year. 

Since most of my pieces are quilted, I figure I qualify.

I'm giving one of my bohemiannie! bag pattern (see this post for pictures) so that you can carry everything you need to class...(or wherever you happen to be going and want to look groovy) including this...

Notebook cover front

Notebook cover back

hand made by me notebook cover. It measures roughly 8 x 11 when it's folded - holding a notebook. Sorry, the notebook won't be included to help save shipping costs.

Notebook cover side

I won't be in the States until the end of the gifts won't be awarded until after September 23rd but I will ship internationally. I'll mail the notebook cover and email the pattern. I'll contact the winner via email based on the information I have when I click on your profile. If you don't have an email address on file, I'll put a comment on your blog. If I don't hear back in 3 days, I'll draw another name. My give-away will run from August 25th through September 23rd (which happens to be my baby boy's 30th birthday and the reason we're going to the States).

Peace, love and all things groovy to you and yours...

And again

Thank you! :)

Create your life,


PS (These are all detail shots of the book I finished this week. There are only three labeled shots above of the notebook cover I'm giving away).



I finished my fabric book tonight!

When I began I didn't know this would be the cover...

But as things moved along...

It just seemed right.

I'll drag out - showing the progress of this book - for the next couple/three weeks...since my new status as annie! grandma to Claire will be keeping me busy for awhile.

I'm happy to say that my blog is featured in Best of the Web no. 75 / Pocketchange Shopping Advice Blog. I hope you'll go take a look/see because I'm in really great company.

Later alligator,


I'm linking to Paint Party Friday...because my fabric canvas IS painted after all. :)