


Grumpy and Sophia sitting in the window of the Modista where I buy my thread and needles.
Still working in every spare moment, loving the process and excited about what's coming together. 

These headbands were made for my daughter-in-law, Winge...

who never asks me for anything and tells me she doesn't need gifts, etc when it's time for her birthday. All my kids do that!!!

So when I asked what I could make for her to bring to Texas when we visit next month, and she said she'd love a headband...

I got out some scraps, found a pattern online and made these...

This is not my usual style of sewing so please don't enlarge the pictures unless you want to see how bad I am about sewing with a pattern...

but I promised Winge I'd post them so she could pick the ones she wants.

Sophia chose this one...even if it is too big for her! :)

I'm almost finished with a couple more Jennibellie style art journals 

Sophia has her own style of wearing her headband.

and hope to get the 'hangers' on my seven door knob quilts this week - 

as well as finish embroidering on three other small quilts. I only embroider when I'm sitting still which isn't often so it's a slow process.

Later alligator!



  1. My word, all the headbands are great!..Winge will have trouble choosing I'm sure. Love the photo of 'Grumpy' and Sophia(you said it! or did you mean Grampy?..what a difference one letter makes, lol).

    1. LOL – it’s Grumpy…for sure! He’s a sweet Grumpus though! Thanks so much Ann!

  2. So cute! Choosing just one will be very difficult :)

    1. Thank you JoMo! :) She may not want them, but they are all for her!!! Except the one Sophia confiscated!

  3. They are so fun and bright!
    I'm sure she will love them............
    What a good mom-in-law you are!

    Hi Sophia!!!

    1. Thank you Gayle! I think she'll love them whether she does or not! She's that-a-way. I'm a LUCKY mom-in-law!!!

      Passing on the hello to Sophia!

  4. Of course I had to enlarge the pics just because you said not to! LOL Your sewing is great! Better than I usually do! Ann is right, Winge will have a hard time choosing!

    1. Thanks Robin! Of course you had to enlarge!!! HA! You wouldn't be you otherwise. And hopefully, Winge will want them ALL!

  5. Those are so fun! MyGirl is a big fan of the headband, I bet she would like that pattern...

    1. Thank you! They really were loads of fun to make and I'm so delighted with the lady that offered the pattern. Go check out her blog for sure. (I call Sophia MyGirl):)

  6. Boy you're busy!!!! Those handbands are just gorgeous...very good mum-in-law xxx

  7. Made from the heart - she'll treasure them. Handmade is always the best!

    1. Thanks SooZe! She will just because she's a treasure herself!

  8. The headbands are wonderful. And grumpy looks awfully happy in that picture. Must have something to do with the pretty girl by his side.

    1. Thanks Char! Grumpy is TOTAlly happy when Sophia gives him any little bit of attention! :)

  9. Have you ever done just one? So great, your daughter in law will be more than thrilled. xox Corrine

    1. I think...because there were six kids in our family...that everything was done assembly line style...and it STUCK! I have a VERY hard time doing just one!!! thanks! :)

  10. Oh my, you have been busy lately! I love looking at all that stuff you come up with. I also want to see way more of your journals!

    1. Thank you Caatje! I want to see more of them too! I'm almost finished with those two Jennibellie journals. It finally HIT me last night while I was playing...what to do to make me happy with them! Pictures soon!


    All the headbands are awesome. I bet Sophia will love them. I've added a link here to the Prayer Flag project in case you haven't heard of it. It's a cool project. Maybe some of your circles would look good on some flags? And you are one of the 13 for me too! Have a great day.

  12. Thanks Connie! Sophia is only allowed one but she is enjoying it! :) I haven't heard of the PF project but will send myself a note to check it out as soon as I get back from the States. One of my online buddies has made some that are totally exquisite. And yes...good thoughts coming your way!

  13. Oh my gosh, I love these headbands! Thank you for sharing the link! I think yours look great!

    1. Thank you Becca! I haven't made time to go back to her website yet...but I think she has lots of free patterns. Nice lady from what I did see!

  14. Of course I really love your use of multi-patterns. Met you at flickr. So glad to connect here at Blogger. You're a real busy lady.

    1. Thanks so much Sandi. I just went to Flickr to 'refresh' my memory and looked at your blog and as what I see. Thanks for stopping by - and following!


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