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bohemiannie! bag PATTERN READY TO ROLL!

It seems like a dream now... 

but I know it wasn't, cuz I was there. 

I applied to...

and was accepted by... 

2009 International Quilt Festival - Houston 

to teach a wonderful group of ladies

how to make

Sophia has always been a big fan.

my bohemiannie! bag!!!

What a kick in the ass behind that was!!!

I mean...ME!!!...


teaching at the World's biggest quilt show!!!

OK...enough of the shameless patting myself on the back.

My intention for this post is to tell you that I've completed a pattern for the bohemiannie! bag!!!


It's been over two years, so it's about time...right?!?

At the last minute...well, within the last month...
before heading to Houston, I had my final head count for the class...and quick made up a pattern that I could give to each one who attended.

Using the bag pictured last (and some pix of the old ugly one) that pattern has been re-vamped as of yesterday and is now for sale!!!

It's economical...only $5, and will come to you as an email attachment and I'm VERY excited to finally have this UFO DONE!!!

Let me know if you're interested in purchasing the pattern...but only after you see if you win the one I'm giving away! 

To thank you all for following - and reading - and popping in - and commenting - and encouraging - and motivating me...between now and tomorrow morning, January 18th at 10:00am EST...I'll give a pattern to one person whose name will be chosen by random selection. All you have to do is leave a comment. If you follow, you're automatically entered twice. :) 

I want to give credit where credit's due. My dear friend, Jeri McKay (who doesn't have a website but makes fabulous art quilts and sells awesome jewelry...and other stuff, and is the current President of Art Quilters Unlimited in Lee County, FL)...taught me how to make her bag, which I then altered enough to call it my own. She said she used to make them in the 70s.

And without the encouragement of my awesome friend, Marlene Glickman...who teaches often at International Quilt Festival and many other places, I would never have had the confidence to apply to Houston! The green bag (2 & 3 pictures above) started as a collaborative piece between us and when I messed it up...turned it into a bag. You can read more about that here.

I finished this bag yesterday and gave it to the lady that helps me clean house. Her birthday is tomorrow.! Happy Birthday Arinda!!!
Thanks to all of you again!!! I dearly love each and every one of you.

Create Your Life...


PS (You can reach me best at bohemiannie at gmail dot com)


  1. Yay...I'm in with a comment. Now that's creative, designing a bag plus teaching how to make one! I like all the little extras you put on them too, makes them individual...:)

    1. Awesome! Thank you and I hope you win!!! Of course now I'm going to have to say that to each comment...if I receive any more!

  2. I just love the bags!
    Congratulations on getting in at the International Quilt Festival in Houston.
    And of course, I follow your blog. Who wouldn't?

    1. Thank you so much! I'm feelin the love and I hope you win!!!

  3. Double congratulations!! on the bag and Houston!
    I'm a happy follower!!

  4. OMG wow, I am so excited!!!!!! So happy for you, your work shines!!!!!!! xox Corrine

    1. LOL…thank you so much Corrine! I think maybe you and a few others didn’t notice that I taught there in 2k9… Maybe I’d better go back and check the wording but with all these congrats going on…I’m definitely gonna have to apply again!

    2. And then again...maybe you did read it right!!! At any case I looked back and noticed that I said I'd give a pattern to anyone who left a comment by 10 am tomorrow so...I'm gonna! (It has been corrected now though)!!! LOL!!!

  5. CONGRATULATIONS! wow what an honor, you shoyuld be proud, there i'm patting you on the back, you deserve that!!
    I love love love the bag, its just beautiful,,, best wishes with this endeavor!!!!!

    1. Thank you SO much Laurie! I do miss the pats on the back because – while I simply adore the girls in my quilt group – and they DO encourage me - they’re traditional quilters - and don’t go ga-ga over my stuff like my friends back in the States did! I was gonna say I hope you win but realized that in my excitement I’d said that anyone who left a comment would get a pattern…so that’s what I’m gonna do! With Pleasure! In other words…YOU WON! LOL!

  6. Why not you??!! You'll be a wonderful teacher!!
    It's a great bag, and it's interesting to hear how it's evolved. Come on.....tell me you hope I win!!

    1. LOL! Thank you Gayle. The event is past but like I told Corrine…with all the well wishes…I will apply again this year! How can I lose? I was gonna say I hope you win but realized that in my excitement I’d said that anyone who left a comment would get a pattern…so that’s what I’m gonna do! With Pleasure! In other words…YOU WON! LOL!

  7. Woot! That's fantastic. Good luck!!!!

    1. LOL! Thank you Julia. I hope you win! But wait...you DID!!! I realized that in my excitement earlier, I’d said that anyone who left a comment would get a pattern…so that’s what I’m gonna do! With Pleasure! In other words…YOU WON! LOL!

    2. Yay! Thanks so much. I better put down the paint brush for a while and learn to sew!

  8. What fantastic news - congratulations!

    1. Thank you Karen!!! Just so you know...you won too!!!

  9. Hello!

    Congratulations - the bags are awesome! Beautiful colors and fabric patterns! Wishing you a happy day today!


    Barbara Diane

    1. Thank you Barbara Diane! :) My day is simply wonderful and I wish you the same. :) And you won!!!

  10. WOW--I would love to win one of your creations--bags/patterns! I have been very successful at craft/art shows in the past making bags by repurposing jeans and tapestry/upholstry fabrics, but have never been able to "let go" enough to reach the fabulous level every single one of yours does. How fantastic it would be to learn from the BEST!!!

    1. Well thank you Pam! You DID win a pattern! I mis-wrote in my post earlier and said I'd give a pattern to anyone who commented and you were the last to do so before I caught it!!! I will happily send you a pattern! And...I am so thankful for your compliment. I'm off to look at your bags...which are hopefully on your blog! :)

    2. You know...I almost said up there...in my reply to you Pam...

      "And, I am certainly NOT the best"

      but instead, I changed it to what I wrote. I'm training myself to ONLY allow myself to think good things about me!

  11. Awesome bag and congrats on getting the gig to teach the pattern.

  12. Love,love, love the purse. I love how you put things together and the colors are fun. Good luck with your venture.

    1. Thank you so much Mary! I hope you win the pattern!

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. This is a cute bag and I love all the variations that you have made. Congratulations on making it into the quilt festival.

  15. Congratulations on the trip to Houston to teach. It is quite a thrill! Your bag is really fun. I would love to make these for my teenage and young adult daughters.

    1. Thanks so much Kristin! I've sold a few to younguns and they seem to like them...depending on what I've put on it of course!

  16. Cross my fingers, cross my fingers, cross my fingers.

    My purse is up there! :) I feel famous!

    1. Thank you my Tami. Sorry you didn't win but since you're my wonderful, special niece, I've sent you a copy anyway!

  17. Great purses! A girl can never have too many! (Belated congrats on Houston, too! LOL)

  18. Annie, contrats, congrats - good for you - you go girl - why shouldn't you be selected - your bags are wonderful. So happy to hear when this kind of things happens to fellow artists. Let us know how it goes okay

    1. Thanks so much Cathy! It went wonderfully well and I hope to be there again this year or next!!!

  19. Sorry to be late to the party, but CONGRATS. It is quite an accomplishment just to design a bag that is unique and that people want to make. That alone is hard work, but I think that writing the pattern can be even more challenging. Good work. (I would totally take a class from you!)

    1. Thanks so much! I feel really great about getting it done! I'll be teaching this bag in September in FL if you want to join us. Details to come much later.

  20. what a wow pattern!! way to go girl.

  21. so interesting...how i wish i can join in the class too...

  22. Okay, so I missed this giveaway, but I just wanted to tell you how wonderful your bags are. You have every right to pat yourself on the back over and over again, just...don't do it too long, cause you need to make much more of your wonderful stuff! ;-)

  23. Thank you Caatje! I think you're right! Enough is enough!

  24. I am SO slow at picking up on things sometimes (nose to the easel and all that) but this is FABULOUS! I can't imagine a class with you being anything but a BLAST!

    1. Thank you Carol! I sold so many of these bags and loved making every one of them…but now that the pattern is online…I can let others make them and move on to the next thing! Well…with an occasional bohemiannie! bag to keep me happy! I’d love to have your presence in a class - whether I’m the student or you are…it’d be awesome!

  25. Hello Annie! This is Quianna! Love what you're doing! You are very a very talented woman. Can't wait to see what you come up with next.

    1. Thanks so much Quianna! What a lovely name. Suits you. I'm off to visit your blog.


  26. Love, love, love everything about your purses.
    Good luck on the move...will be following you.

    Also, thank you for the wonderful comment, so happy you like the necklace.

    1. Thank you so much Cory! I really appreciate your comment!

  27. Pattern read, fabrics selected. Design in my minds eye. Ready, set, sew. This is going to be a fun bag to work on.

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