


I have a friend here in Colombia who's daughter just became a nun. Christy, the daughter...and her mom too for that / are one /two of the most delightfully happy people I've ever met! 

I pieced and quilted the above piece of fabric which Christy's mom, Momy, then made into a bag for her new Mac. It turned out beautiful!

This picture on - is of the fabric for Christy's bag...coming soon!

Momy is quite a perfectionist and it shows in all of her work, so I was a little lot surprised when she asked me to make a bag for her. :)

I style is very loose and free and...well...the word sloppy was used to describe it once on Flickr. 

In a nice way. I think.

No matter. When Momy came to pick up her fabric, Christy was with her and wanted to see my bohemiannie! bags.

After looking, she wanted to know if I'd make a tote for her using bright colors...which I then asked her to choose.

And I must say, "She chose well". A girl after my own heart.

Hopefully this piece will reflect her bubbly personality and brighten up that habit!


  1. Hey Annie -- what a neat way to express yourself and such a conversation piece. I might make one for my iPad. And so functionally because when are we without them -- those darn computers are just part of us; but we wouldn't be able to do what we're doing with them. Thanks for visiting and leaving comment about Molly Dolly. It escapes me now, but I went back to AIB and realized you were a moderator of AIB as well, so I added your name with Marcia's -- wasn't ignoring you, just wasn't thinking. So we're good and thank y'all for having such a fun AIB!

  2. What a great idea, I'm thinking ipad case! and have some material in mind too. Your friend made a great job of her mac case. I didn't know nuns were allowed to have anything bright like that, but then I didn't know they were allowed to eat sweets (which I saw them doing in Rome years ago!).

    1. I didn't ask, but was surprised when she asked for the bag. Delightfully surprised! Momy did a great job with no pattern!

  3. I love this.
    Love the story behind it. Got here from IA!! I am following too.

  4. What a wonderful story!! And I think your work is beautiful! Such pretty fabric quilting!!

    1. Thanks a ton Daniella! My quilting can be pretty when I want it to be!

  5. Puts a smile on my face to think of a nun carry something so bright and beautiful! Love the computer bag too!

    1. I know Ali! I can't wait to get a picture of her with it...but she lives several hours it might be awhile. :)Thanks so much!

  6. What gorgeous pieces of art. Love the mac cover and her bag is great.


  7. Ooooh wow, very nice! I have been thinking about making a little quilt/blanket for my daughter using her old baby pajamas, etc. But, I have "quilt fear!" LOL. Maybe someday I will be brave. :0)

    1. Hi Jillian. Thank you so much for your lovely compliment. Please don’t let that ‘quilt fear’ hold you back! I wrote a post awhile back regarding my own fear and if you want to take a look at how I conquered it…here’s a link…

      Let the Magic in you come out!

  8. Well, that must just be the cutes laptop bag I've ever seen. Keep doing your sloppy thing! ;-)

  9. Oh my goodness, that bag is unreal. I love it, and I especially like the "sloppy" aspect of it. It says freedom to me. So tired of the perfection across blogland.
    Thank you for stopping by. I'm catching up on my Pink Saturday visits. Love your blog title too. ;)
    Much love!

    1. Thanks so much Marcia! I am definitely free! I make art to please myself and LOVE it! I only got through about 50 PS blogs so I have catching up to do too! xxxoooxx

  10. Your coloraholic world is what draws me in every time. What a fantastic mac bag, wowza. I want my whole world to be draped in your fabrics!!!! xox

    1. Thanks so much Corrine! I feel the same way about the color in your wonderful collage work!
      I love painting my yard sale fabric - and clothes…then using it up is so much fun!

  11. Of course this will brighten up her day/life.

  12. nice bag!that habit is going to shine.

    1. Thanks Neki! I saw her mom today and asked again if it was ok for Christy to carry such a colorful bag and she said YES! so all systems are go!

  13. That's a very unique and special bag! The colors are beautiful and vibrant.

  14. what a great story and such beautiful bag you made. She is going to shine!

    1. Thank you Nora! She already shines like you wouldn't believe!

  15. dearest friend: first of all, a comment on both quilted bags=stunning, especially the patchwork on the bottom, so happy. i MUST get back to using my sewing machine. but avoid going into the studio after an obsession with photography.

    secondly, how perceptive of you on commenting on my latest post. what happens is i had a couple of bad dreams about my trip to chile which should have taken place as of monday and cancelled (postponed) the whole thing. my daughter was so sad, she really wanted to go but something told me in my gut that it wasn't the right time. therefore, my spending a lot of time figuring out what it was.

    thank you for being so in tune with me.

    could you send me your address please. i would love to send you a little something made by me after your gorgeous bookmark.

    lovingly, constanza

    1. Hi Constanza. Thank you so much for the lovely note. :) I still don't read or speak Spanish except for a word here and there...but the pictures - although beautiful - had a bit of a different feeling. I'm glad you didn't go. I'm sure you made the right decision. It was wise for you to listen. I'll send more in an email.
      Lovin you right back and looking forward to a day when we can meet in person!

  16. Thank you for stopping by and can't wait to see the little lace pincushion YOU make.

    1. Oh you're welcome! And Thank YOU! I'm going to go look again and bookmark the sight because I've thought of them since and sigh each time. :)

  17. Another splended Annie original! I lol'd at the sloppy on flickr comment. it was from an outlier, I'm sure! winkwink Blessings to you and a great article about you on Dior's blog! Me: I know HER!!!! <3 <3 xoxo

    1. Thanks so much Amy! It was one of my heroes that made the comment but I really think she meant it as a compliment. HAHAHA! It still bugs me a little…maybe.

      I really was shocked and delighted when Dion asked me to be her guest. So cool.

      The motivation, encouragement and downright love I get from my online friends makes me feel warm and fuzzy all over!


Yuckola. More than half of my email has been from anonymous, so.....