


Today is the Colombian version of Valentine's Day - so...

heart brooch


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Especially to you Cameron! 
(that's my grandson):)

Which translated, is...

 Happy Love and Friendship Day!!!

We had plans to go dancing with friends tonight but I've had a flu bug that just won't quit and here I sit...for the past month. 
 Spider bite...flu...big head cold...and more flu. Usually, I don't air my complaints...outside of my family...too much...because I've been practicing attracting good things into my life and most of the time it works for me. I don't like to dwell on crap...negative stuff and it absolutely helps me - not to.

learned this technique from an awesome blog by Roben but need lots of practice
 It has been difficult for me to make art when I'm feeling this way. It's even harder to think good thoughts or focus on my desired outcome but thankfully, I've learned a lesson.

You see...I'm pretty unsympathetic to whiners and complainers. 

from my art journal

If someone starts in with....blah, blah, blah...I usually jump in with a pep talk. 

I really don't want to hear it. It affects me.

I'm kind of like a child who plugs their ears and and wiggles their tongue while saying laaalaaalaaaa when they don't want to hear something.

i will definitely go back and decorate these letters

Anyway...I've been focusing on all the wrong things lately - until yesterday....when I remembered...

The point of power is in this moment. 

It took a month to remember.

So - for the past 24 hours or so... I'm living each moment to the best of my ability and getting better by the second!

And...I promise to be more understanding the next time you need to get something off your chest (even though you might hear about the point of power).

And...I got some art done yesterday and today.


flowers grown in my FL garden

Feliz Dia Del Amor Y Amistad!

for inspiration...go here


  1. I LOVE your hearts! LOVE LOVE LOVE! Sorry you've been feeling lousy and I hope you are on the mend. (I do the pep talk thing too, LOL.)
    Happy Columbian Valentines Day!

  2. Try the wellness formula to help get over the flue, it works for us. Columbian valentines, I had no idea, cool.

  3. Awesome art work and photos ~ wonderful! ~ thanks namaste, Carol (A Creative Harbor) linked with Show and Tell Saturday

  4. Thank you, thank you Robin! I AM on the mend!

  5. Big thanks Linda! I will go - right now - to see what the wellness formula is.

  6. Sorry you have been so unwell, what a bummer!..was it really caused by a spider bite? At least airing it online all your blogger friends can send you Good here are some from me...Good~good~good~good~good.

  7. Thanks Ann! :) maybe I did want a little sympathy! The spider bite caused about 10 days of miserableness and then the rest of it was from my trips to the emergency room for injections of antiobiotics. I picked up whatever bugs were there...AND...your good vibrations are working because I AM FEELING GOOD today. Thank you very much!

  8. AMAZING WORK! So beautiful and filled with energy, joy and fun! LOVE IT! Hope you feel better soon! POP ART MINIS

  9. Your hearts are amazingly beautiful! I try to teach my children not to complain to Suck it up, as I like to say. Glad to see you are feeling better and I love your mantra The point of power is in this moment. So profound... Be blessed!

  10. Thank you so much Adriann! What good does complaining do?!? Except maybe get you some sympathy on the internet!!! :) YES - This moment is the ONE that counts. I AM blessed and right back atcha!

  11. I love love love those fabric hearts! Adorable!

  12. Those hearts are GORGEOUS! Love all the details and textures!

  13. Thanks so much Penney! I've got making more on the list because I love to make them!

  14. Those fabric hearts are beautiful! I think the first one is my favorite!

  15. Thank you Rebecca. I didn't get a picture of all of them before sending them out to friends. oh well. All my favorites went away!


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