

Fiesta de Polleras - Barranquilla - Jumbo del Country Club

Last night...Hillary and I attended the Fiesta de Polleras at Jumbo del Country Club in Barranquilla...where I'm told the rich of Barranquilla party.

It was a ball JUST for women and it was 'Pollera obligatoria'. 

So...we, at almost the last minute, had polleras made by a friend's costurera. 

Our polleras will definitely change before this happening occurs next year!!!

Hillary and I had our hair done by Elena at Caperucita Roja...where Sophia goes to school. Elena does a beautiful job of Sophia's hair and we were happy to have her do ours too! 

The Polleras were mandatory to get into the ball but the flowers in the hair - even though not obligatory - were not missing on more than two or three ladies heads.

Mine was a corsage that Trish and Davida made for me for my going away from Florida party. I've worn it as a corsage, then attached it to a bag until last night - when it was perfect in my hair and THE MOST original headpiece there!

Hillary bought a hairpiece that goes on top...rather than to the side...

You can't really see it in the pix above but it's there. She looked radiant all night.

Sylvia, the daughter of Margy - owner of Caperucita Roja and the two of us rode together in a pumpkin - I mean a taxi - to the ball.

After seeing myself in this get up, I'm definitely going on a diet. 

After I eat all the bad stuff already stocked in the kitchen.

When we arrived, we met up with Wallis - who was the friend that invited us - and of course had to have our pix taken together...

Here's a shot of the room as it was filling up early in the evening. 

Actually...there were about 1,000 women there.

I didn't get video of the band playing in the picture above, but did get each band afterward...

This lady was having a really good time. She did so much whirling and twirling, I don't know how she managed not to fall down. 

After dancing near her, I took the picture and told her she was beautiful and looked like Glenda the Good Witch from the Wizard of Oz. She didn't understand a word I said but laughed uproariously.

And the band played on...

The young voice you hear in this video was only about 10 years old...

And the band played on...

And on...

This lady was just too pretty not to take a picture of...

And we danced some more...

There's Hillary and Wallis in that one!

I loved watching everyone dance...but these two ladies were really good...

I took Hillary and Wallis to the other side of the hall to meet my friends...

I did the nojoda thing again and got a great response.

No one was getting the least bit tired...

Except for me.

Until these guys came on...

I just happened to be on the dance floor when they started and after getting that video and this shot...

I had to put the camera away and danced my ass butt off! They played Reggaeton, which I love. They did a little Black Eyed Peas and I was ecstatic to hear Norte Americano musica.

I strolled up to the balcony to catch my breath and had the floor to myself. Phew!

This gives you an idea of how big this venue is...

my table from the balcony...

That's Sylvia, Hillary and Wallis.

Then, Joe Arroyo's orchestra came on for the grand finale...

And Mr. Arroyo himself...

Had to exercise a little crowd control for this guy...

But he was a great sport and allowed many Polleras up on stage so pictures could be taken with him.

I'll leave you with still tired feet and part of the song everyone seemed to be waiting for...

I'm thinking Artist Retreat Barranquilla for you ladies start thinking about your Polleras!

See you then!

1 comment:

  1. Jeepers, Annie!!! You know how to party!!!!! The photos are wonderful, of course, and your sense of fun shines through your words loud and clear.

    Reading blog posts is an easy thing to get behind in, and I missed your last few - finally catching up..... Love all the surface design you are doing, and the beads!!

    Don't forget to let me know when you visit - hope we can meet ;-0


Yuckola. More than half of my email has been from anonymous, so.....