

Barranquilla, Colombia Carnaval!!!

We did it! 

We went to Carnaval today!!! 

Here - without much commentary are the pictures my server would allow before they cut me off. I'll post more another day.

I took a couple shots from the window of the taxi on the way there. Juan was driving a little too fast for me to get many.

Almost every business has some sort of decoration for Carnaval...

And many of the locals dress for the occasion!

Jerry and I went alone because those bleacher seats were pretty expensive.

When you buy a ticket it'll get you in for three days though so we decided we'd go today and Hillary and Pedro will go tomorrow. Whoever has the most energy will go Monday.

We didn't feel like strangers for long...

This gadget was flying around our area while we waited for the parade to reach us. I'll have to ask Pedro what it is next time he's over.

We waited a couple hours before 'the show' began but the crowd was quite entertaining.

 And finally....

There seemed to be a slight obsession with weapons...

As you'll have to see next time I get a chance to post. 

Sorry but that's all google is allowing me to add tonight!

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Yuckola. More than half of my email has been from anonymous, so.....