


Precious Little will begin kindergarten in a couple weeks and we went with her and mommy to buy uniforms. ALL schools here (that I know of) require uniforms.

The campus is beautiful, clean, well equipped, friendly and just gave me a very good feeling. 

Her daddy and mommy work at the university next door and the new building...where daddy might...maybe...I'm believing will...have an office...overlooks the school. How wonderful is that? 

Precious Little 2 will be here very soon, so we'll still have our hands full but I'm feeling a little...I don't know...sad maybe...nostalgic...I don't know. Sniff.

It's with pride and prayers that we send her knowing she'll excel. 

We're making the most of each day.

She made these outfits for my troll dolls from itty bitty scraps and lots of tape. All on her own!

What pure joy THAT was to watch!

Create Your Life...



Precious Little #2 is due any day now...mid-August...but my daughter is convinced that this one will come early. 

I felt the same way with my second...who ended up being 3 weeks late! Every day for FIVE WEEKS...I was sure it was THE day. 

They don't let that happen nowadays. Especially not here in Colombia...where the hospital is very much in control of how things go in labor and delivery. (But I'm positive everything will happen when & how it's supposed to). 

In the last ultrasound picture - taken last week - she looks just like my mom! No kidding! Beautiful child! I'm sure she'll be totally cooperative.

Me, being who and how I am...have waited until practically the last minute to get a quilt made for her. (And it ain't made yet). 

I just don't 'do' traditional very well - and in my opinion - if it's something you sleep under - no matter how 'artsy' - it's still traditional. 

So...its been difficult to think about, begin, continue and work on this quilt - in a way. In another way, I've loved the actual doing of it...mostly. 

I've prayed for Precious Little #2 and centered my thoughts on her and her big sister, mommy,, etc as I've worked on I'm sure we all I love that part of it. And I love the colors and fabrics. 

It's getting those lines straight and figuring out how I want to put the whole thing together, and worrying about how my free motion stitching will feel on the bottom that I have trouble with.

BUT, I've decided this will be a floor quilt. One that she can sit on and if someone walks across it be it. That decision relieved so much stress that you wouldn't believe it. 

I can, and did make my own clothes for many years. I followed a pattern to a T and came out with some pretty awesome outfits. But the thought of following pattern directions these days just totally turns me off. Toe - tah - lee. 

So...these are the blocks...all different sizes...that I've put together. Now, I'm trying to figure out what goes where in the big picture. I wonder if there's a way I can put the pix in a mosaic and move them around that way?!? Hmmm. 

Remember my last post...thoughts become things. I need to practice what I preach. 

This one is not gonna make the cut.

Create your life...


I'm linking to Artists In Blogland, The Cottage Market and Pink Saturday and want to wish Beverly a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY AND HERE'S TO MANY MORE DECADES!!!



My friend.

The pictures in this post don't really have anything to do with what I'm trying to express here...except that they're my life...and 

My Precious Little playing with toys made from Skulpy when her mommy and uncle were her age!

I AM so blessed.

The daughters of a couple of my Colombian Quilt Group friends have been joining us while they're home from school for the summer. Pure delight!

Living our adventure in Barranquilla makes me miss the USA some kinda bad at times. 

Precious Little has her own agenda at swim class.

Dealing with some negative things from my past and sometimes present makes me struggle with my emotions and thoughts on a daily basis. 

I donated a book to my CQG and each of them have been working on the quilt in it. Here are two of them!!! If memory's a Quilt In A Day book by Eleanor Burns.

But I have to say it again. 

Couldn't resist another skyline sunset from my window.

I can make myself happy wherever I am. Physically, Geographically, Emotionally. 

The piece I told you about in this post...finished!

And I AM.

A little work in progress that I did while procrastinating on fixing my printer.

Happy that is.

Another little door knob quilt that I worked on while procrastinating .

I have been learning that our thoughts create our reality.

Fixed and working!

I believe this and have seen it working in my life for some time especially when I'm thinking about what to write...because it's so permanent...I focus on the positive.

The beginning of Precious Little #2s quilt.

I get a lot of comments on my positive, grateful attitude but there are people who know me pretty well that wouldn't say that.

More preparation for above mentioned quilt. I love this view out of my laundry room too!

No matter. I KNOW that my thoughts become things so even when life isn't just the way I want it to be...I'm doing my level best not to focus on the negative. 

Nope...the windows don't close.

Past, present or future.

Pieces for PL's quilt drying.

That means that when I remember a not so happy event...I'm choosing to only pick out the good parts. And if there aren't any good parts, I imagine it the way I wish it had gone.

All those beautiful strips of fabric from other projects will be part of her quilt.

Fantasy can be a wonderful thang.

This is the view from my play room window. If I have clothes gets pretty dark.

For the present, no matter how I feel, I've been training my mind to focus on anything that is lovely, sweet, happy, uplifting, positive or good in any way. 

For the future, I'm squelching any doubts or fear or worry or negative role playing.

The pictures, I painted with fabric paint and the strip became my next batch of bookmarks.

I'm practicing living with a grateful, thankful heart and I honestly have no end to things I can be grateful for.

I've been printing out my favorite baby shower invites to use in her quilt.

Right now, I'm happy exactly where I am.

My sincerest wish for you is that you are too!

Just before the baby shower began.

Love, peace and all things groovy to you and yours.

It was wonderful!

Create your life,

Milena, Hillary and Shirlley. These were the girls who organized the shower. Thank you SO much!


Me and my baby girl...and her baby girl. :)

linking to...Craft-O-Maniac



Yes, we do have beautiful sunsets here too!.

I bought a MacBook Pro!!!

This is my first Mac - and my first post from it.

We almost got some rain.

Actually, it's my first laptop because I just didn't want to take the time/effort to learn/get used to - a new thang.

The baby shower was today...and it was PERFECTLY wonderful. This and the next two pix are of the last three baby shower invitations that I made.

Boy am I happy I did! 

I LOVE this little computer and I still have a lot to learn but it's become a very good friend. 

I've been loading all my pictures on it for the past month (since I bought it) but wanted to post all of the old ones - from the desktop - before I got to these in this post. 

This is where we eat breakfast and lunch. I know it's weird to have outdoor furniture in the house but I LOVE my vintage furniture! Best rocking chair in the world! we are! I wanted to show you different areas of the apartment while it was clean...and newly ordered...

I've put all of my altered and fabric books together (above picture) along with some of my dolls and other things I've made - or in the case of the stool - painted. My friend is encouraging me to try selling some of them at an upcoming fair - but they're like...part of do you think?

The living / 

dining room...

Some more of my favorite things...

My kitchen window...

And yes, I'm extremely late with this picture, but my turn to host my Quilt Group fell on the 4th of July so I baked a cake. The fruit kind of sunk into the whipped cream...but it tasted good! No, that is not a real flag under the cake!

Yesterday was Colombia's Independence Day. They actually celebrate two.

For now...

Good Night...

Sleep tight.

Sweet Dreams...